Chapter 72 - Madeline & Ethan

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I'm married!!! (I mean I will be married to Ethan in half an hour). After the New Year, Helen and I prepared the wedding with the help from Rainey and Meredith. Rainey is my assistant right now. She is going to replace me as Ethan's assistant once I take my maternity leave.

It only takes three months to plan the wedding. Here I am, standing in front of the mirror in the room at The Hall Family Grove. This another mansion from the Hall. It belonged to Daisy Hall. The garden is full of cherry blossoms. I look over the windows. The cherry blossoms are fully blossoming now. And we're going to hold the wedding in the middle of the garden with a lake view.

Something old - my mom's veil. Her marriage with dad lasted until the end of their life. They were a busy couple. But I know they loved each other so dearly. And I hope I can have the same things as Ethan. The veil looked a bit out of a place with all extravagant things I'm wearing today, but it reminds me where I came from. I am Madeline, from a small town called Julian Town. Even though I'm going to be a wife of a billionaire, I will always be the same Madeline.

Something new - the ridiculously expensive necklace I'm wearing now is a wedding gift from Ethan. Behind it is engraved with 'Trust in you". Our relationship starts with trust. The 5 years old me trusts Ethan with my life.. and I will keep trusting him for our happiness and our marriage.

Something borrowed - Helen's comb. She used it until the day she married Michael Hall. And she keeps it. The next person who used it was Amanda Hall, and now me.

Something blue - this is a secret. Ethan doesn't know I'm wearing a blue garter matching with my blue thong. I'm sure he will go crazy when he finds out the sexy thong I'm wearing for today.

I look at my engagement ring. Did you know this is a red diamond? One of the most rare stones in the world? I don't even want to know the price.

Meredith comes from behind. "Still can't believe you will become Mrs. Hall?" She is my maid of honor, along with Rainey as the bridesmaid.

I smile at her. "Well, at first I was afraid that it would be different between girlfriend and fiancé... but Ethan made everything perfect. I think I'm ready to become Mrs. Hall."

She smiles back and holds my hands. "You deserved this Mads. Ethan is madly in love with you. I couldn't be more happy for you. And did I tell you, you look like an angel?"

I laugh and look at the mirror. The hairdresser put my hair in a messy up do, left the tendrils to frame my face. I'm wearing a strapless white gown full of Swarovski, with a big ball gown like a queen. Thanks to Carly Lopez for helping me with the dress. I really look like a queen. She told me I need to wear something luxurious like this because I'm going to become Mrs. Hall. So I need to make a statement. Helen agreed with her. So here I am, looking like a queen ready for her coronation.

My tummy is hidden with the gown, the baby bump hasn't showed up, it miracles that the pumpkin doesn't show itself because I ate so much all this time. Ethan said the nutrition goes to the baby's brain.

Tim Colton, my former boss, comes in and looks at me with his grin. "You ready, sweetheart?" He will walk me down the aisle, to the love of my life.



I look at my watch, my dad's watch, when we will start the wedding? I can't wait to see my wife...

Christian chuckles from the couch. "Dude, relax!" Christian is my best man. He looks perfect with his tux. "Are you afraid Mads will leave you on the altar?" He laughs.

"Jesus! C, don't say something like that!"

"You look so antsy!"

I can't help being nervous. I know Madeline wouldn't leave. She loves me so much. But I'm still nervous. Plus, I haven't seen her in a week. What kind of executive assistant doesn't come to the office for a week just because she doesn't want to see me to make it special or whatever it is she, Meredith, and Rainey believe about.

In her defense, she already set Rainey to take care of her job. Rainey is great, but I need Madeline. I need my woman!

Without seeing her for a week, that means I'm fasting from sex until now. Jesus, this woman really knows how to make me hungry for her.

"I miss her," I don't to tell it, but somehow the words slip from my mouth.

Christian smiles. "She really makes you a better man, Ethan. I'm glad you found her." He comes to me and claps my shoulders.

I smile at my cousin. I remember the day he tried to be a Cupid, asking me to go to his apartment's neighbor for sugar.

Mike knocks on the door. "The bride is ready E!" Mike is my groomsman. He will couple with Rainey.


I wait for Madeline on the altar, when the music starts I look up at her. God... my wife is so perfect. She smiles at me when she walks down the aisle. Her eyes never leave me. I feel my eyes hot. I blink and I know a drop of tears fall down from my eyes. She steps in front of me. Tim gives her to me and I hold her hand. Our eyes lock. Her aquamarine eyes look at me with all the love. Everything else black and white compared to her.

The priest clears his throat. "Mr. Hall, Ms Parker, can we start the wedding, or the two of you just going to keep looking at each other like we don't exist?" The guests laugh. It's always like that. It happened the first time our eyes locked, and it still happened until now, and forever.

After the matrimony, the priest gives me permission to kiss my wife. I lift her mother's veil. Even with all the money she has right now, she chose to wear her mother's old veil. It makes me love her even more. No matter how much my world offers her, she will always be the same Madeline. The one who looks at everyone based on her relationship with them, not the money they have.

She giggles at me. "Hi, Ethan," she says once I secure the veil behind her. I chuckle at her cheekiness. Madeline Hall, my wife, never fails to make me smile even when all she did is saying hi to me.

I kiss her thoroughly. Her hands fly to the back of my nape and pull me too until she bent backward a bit. The guests clap wildly. But I don't care. I missed her lips so much. I missed her and her scent. Her everything. After the kiss is over, I whisper in her mouth, "I can't wait to make love to you, my wife."

My wife giggles and pulls me to her despite her blush, and we kiss again. After the kiss, that leaves us breathless. Madeline caresses my cheek and smiles at me. Her smile is just too beautiful. It makes my heart full with love. "Hello husband," she whispers to me.

"Hello my wife, Madeline Hall"

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