Chapter 66 - Madeline

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It's Christmas. I go to the shelter with Jack, Christian and Meredith. Ethan and I keep contact. Him with a brief message, me with the long message narrated my day. And later when I asked him when he will come back so I can pick him up in the airport, Ethan replied to me with 'sorry, I couldn't go back to the US right now.'

I force Jack to come inside the shelter; he told me the kids would cry when they see him, even the baby. But I don't believe it. So I drag him in and true to his words. The kids cry once Jack comes in.

Luckily, I have 2 superstars in tow. The kids love them. So, all is good. We play hide and seek with the kids. The kids are so happy. I really hope Ethan could witness their merry faces. I take some pictures and send them to him.

Madeline: I'm in the kids's shelter today. The kids are so happy. I hope you can see their merry faces here. Merry Christmas, Ethan. I love you...

Every time I send a message to him, I want to cry. A hand wraps around my shoulders. I turn around. It's Meredith.

"He still replied to you with anemic messages?"

My tears leaking down, I wipe it abruptly. Meredith takes me to sit on the bench. "Give him some time, okay? For another man, I would say leave him. But it's Ethan. we all know how much he loves you Mads, and from what Christian told me... I can't even blame him for his attitude," she sighs.

"I know Mer. I just regret it. I thought he would agree with me. He always did," I say weakly.

"You didn't see this one coming, right? It's okay, Mads. I'm sure Ethan just need some times. He'll be back to you." She still caresses me. "Stay with me for the night? We can do anything you want. We can drink until we are drunk... um.. No, the right words is... I'm drunk, you're fine." She chuckles.

I chuckle weakly, "you always the lightweight in the group."

"Yeah, I wish I were you. Drink alcohol like a fish."

I smile at her. "Thanks Mer" I hug her and I let my tears flow. It feels so good to have someone hug you when you're down.


I slept at Meredith's place. Despite her words to drink until she was drunk, we ended up with bing on Netflix and eat popcorn. Somehow, the smell of the alcohol makes me want to vomit.

Meredith asked me to sleep in her room, but I refused. I know she's been sleeping with Christian in that bed for some times. So I chose my old room, the guest room.

I check my watch. It's 9am. Ahh, that's why I'm so hungry right now. I need food!

I walk outside the room. Meredith is there with Christian. Christian still in his sweatpants and shirt. His hair disheveled like he just woke up. "Morning, C. So early! You missed her that much?" I tease him. But he looks grim. "Are... are you okay?"

Meredith comes to me and pulls me to sit. Something's wrong. Ethan!!

"What happened to Ethan?" I ask them. They glance at each other. Meredith gives me her phone. My heart thumps wildly. Whatever it is, I'm sure I wouldn't like it. I brace myself before looking at the screen.

It's Ethan with 3 men in suits. His Chinese partners in front of the club. They walked together. It's just like that. But the title is 'Billionaire Ethan Hall spotted in the strip club in China on Christmas.'

"Breathe, Mads," Christian says, but his voice seems so far away. And I can taste acid in my mouth. I put the phone on the sofa hastily and run to the toilet. I vomit.

"Madeline!" Meredith comes in and helps me.

I retch and gag. My stomach is so empty right now and hurt. I don't know which one is hurting. My stomach or my heart. Or both...

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