A Place In My Heart

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River entered her room. She looked at her self in the mirror, gently moved her strap off her shoulder. A huge bruised finger and hand prints on her shoulders. It hand red and purple colour. She cringed before hesitantly touching it. She hissed at the stinging pain, she leaned towards the sink.

"Let me help you with that." Edward said.

River was startled by his voice as she turned towards him. She studied, he's tired, regretful expression,"I don't need your help." She said as she turned to the mirror and hiding her bruises,"go away."

Edward doesn't say anything as he reached the first aid kit,"sit." He ordered River.

"I said I don't need your help. I'm fine." River said sniffing her stuffed nose.

"Sit down... River." He demanded.

River rolled her eyes before backing up to the toiletries cardboard. She held her breath when his hands rested on her waist and lifted up on the vanity.

She inhaled harshly as she brushed her hair back. Edward hesitantly helped her tack a piece that fell of her hair behind her ear. He took a moment to take in her features. He saw how pale and unhealthy her skin was, dark rings under her eyes even through that she still looked beautiful. Her smile, the innocence was gone, her eyes no longer held the thirst for life and happiness, it was gone and he was to blame.

He slowly moved the straps from her bruise. He heard her hissed and winced,"sorry." Edward held his breath, frowning at the larger, red and purple swollen bruises.

Edward doesn't say anything else as he cleaned the bruise. River winced and hissed everytime it came in contact.

"It should be healing by now." River said frustrated.

Edward doesn't respond knowing the reason she wasn't healing was her unhealthy habit she recent gain, "River." He said trying to distract. "What did you do to Jasper back there? How did you do it?" Edward asked also interested and curious.

"I don't know. Instinct, I guess." River simply answered.

"So you've done it before?"  Edward asked confused.

River suddenly froze and her eyes widen.

"River, what's going on with you? Everyone is worried about you, that includes me."

River couldn't help but roll her eyes,"well you should all stop cause I'm fine." River said before she maneuvered around Edward to get to her room.

"River, you use to talk to me. Tell me everything. Why can't we be like that again?"

"A lot has changed, Edward. If you haven't noticed. You've changed, everyone has changed, things are just not the same."

"That's not true. We haven't changed, we're still those people who you love and care for you."

"Cause you've all shown how much you love and care for me lately." River sarcastically thought.

Edward frowned,"how can you say that. Of course we care."

"On please Edward," River turned to Edward,"shouldn't you be with Bella?"

Edward looked at her,"don't change the subject."

"I'm not changing anything, you are." She runs her hand through her hair,"You should be with your girlfriend." She said sarcastically.

"Bella doesn't need me now." Edward said,"why are you pushing me away? How could you think that?"

River breathed in and out trying to calm herself down,"please, Edward. Don't make this harder than it's already is." She said defeated, worn off.

"I'm trying River, I really am, but can you at least meet me half way." Edward said angrily, grabbing her arm.

"Meet you half way? You're one who betrayed me, betrayed my love and my trust. How can you possibly understand when you don't even know how I feel."

"Than make me understand." Edward yelled in frustration.

"No! You won't and you will never understand...cause no one has ever hurt you the way you've hurt me." River said with tears in her eyes.

Edward's eyes widen, this was beyond repair. When he looked into her eyes she saw how lonely, sad and heartbroken. He thought he knew, he thought he understood what she felt but he knew nothing. He promised her love, safety, honesty but he gave her nothing but hurt, betrayal and heartache. He realised she was better of if he wasn't in her life anymore. Cause he knew, his presence was what's hurting her the most.

A knock echoed in the room and Esme walked in,"River honey. Me and your father decided it will be best if you went to stay with Charlie for a while."

"What? Why? Jasper is okay, isn't he?"

"We're not sure about that." Esme said.

"Jasper has never hurt me." She thought about the bruises on her shoulders. He has never hurt her until today.

"River, please don't argue. Just for a few days. You can use this time to spend it with Charlie." Esme suggested,"I'm sure he misses you."

River looked down undecisive,"I'll start packing." She finally said.

"Okay." Esme said before looking at Edward and the state he was in. Esme couldn't help but worry.

River nodded as she watched her mother leave her room before taking a bag and shove her clothes in.

"River." Edward called her name but she didn't stop what she was doing,"River." He repeated louder this time. He got annoyed, leave it to River to get under his cold, hard skin of his. He grinned at that thought,"please, River." He said more gently this time.

River stopped what she was doing and stood straight, she didn't say or face him.

Edward stared at River's back, tracing the outlines of her body; from the way her every perfect curly, raven hair cascaded of her shoulders to her small, slender, hourglass figure, the way her shoulders slightly moved up and down as she was breathing her slow, steady breaths, he studied how smooth her mikly skin was, he traced the lines of her curves. He sighed,"I never stopped and I never will stop loving you. You know that right? Regardless of if you're my mate or not, my bloodsinger or not. You're still the first woman I ever loved. And no one not even Bella will take your place in my heart." He desperately said.

River stood there thinking. It felt like a goodbye more than ever. Those words, the way he said it. Something was going to happen. And it wasn't going to end good.

River finally turned to look at him. Her eyes widen when Edward gently placed his hand on her cheek. She hesitantly reached to touch it. She let out a shaky and unsteady breath as she closed her eyes. She leaned on it feeling the familiar warmth from his cold hand. She stared into his dark orbs.

She desperately wanted to make things alright, she wanted to take the pain away. She wanted everything to go back to the way it was. When she was madly in love with the man in front her. When she can be held and looked at the way Edward was now. When his touch bought nothing but warmth and comfort. She wanted everything she lost back.

She inhaled sharply when he pulled and walked away from her once more. She couldn't it anymore. She wanted him back so badly. With every second she was away from him, she feel herself dying slowly.

She desperately that how she felt but something was holding her back. What if he didn't feel the same? It will just break her heart even more. So she decided to stay quiet and watch him walk away .

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