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River sighed before she walked through the school's cafeteria. Stares have become less, whispers and rumours have died down a little.

"Hey." Bella said coming to stand next to River.

"Hey." River surprised by Bella openly coming to her in a school cafeteria.

"Wanna to join us?" Bella asked shyly, awkwardly.

River slightly smiled at her improved and bold mood. River looked at the group of Bella's friends sitting around the cafeteria table,"I don't want to intrude." River awkwardly said.

"No, not at all." All said at the same time.

River smiled before she set down and introduced each other.

"Nice to meet you." River said with a kind smile as she watched Bella's friends talked, joked and laughed together. She looked at the embarrassed Bella by something that was said to her. River smiled at this. Happy that Bella had good friends to be there for her.


As minutes turned into hours, hours to days, days to weeks things got a little better.

Bella got out more, she started talking to people, her friends again. Her moods got better.

For River, she settled to her normal teenage girl life. During the week she goes to school like a normal kid. During the weekends she worked at the hospital.

"River, a patient just came in, in the ER. She has a cut on her head and she needs stitches." Doctor Karen said.

"I'm on it." River said before rushing to ER.

"Hey, River." Jacob's voice grabbed her attention.

River snapped to his direction,"hey." She said surprised as she lifted herself on her tippy toes to wrap her arm around his neck, giving him a quick hug,"it's been a while? How have you been?"

Jacob hugged her back," good."

River pulled away and looked up at Jacob,"have you gotten taller than me?"

"I've always been taller than you. But I did grew a few inches." Jacob chuckled.

River smiled,"what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for a doctor to help Bella out."

"What happened to Bella?" River asked.

"She fell and got a cut of her head." Jacob said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hmm. Sounds like Bella." River mumbled.

Jacob chuckled nervously,"yeah."

"I'll check on her." She then entered the ER,"where have you been. I don't see you anymore."

"You know busy with stuff. You missed my birthday." Jacob whined.

"I did?" she turned to face him,"I did. Sorry it completely slipped my mind but I did buy your present a few weeks before."

"Where is it?" Jacob asked excited.

"It's back home." River said,"I'll drop it by for you when I get a chance."

"What is it?" Jacob asked excited.

"It a surprise and it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." River walked to where Bella was,"Bella."

"River." Bella said surprised.

"What happened to you this time?" River asked with a roll of her eyes and a soft smile on her lips.

"It was an accident."

"Where's the cut?" River asked.

"Just above her right temple." Jacob said.

"Are you okay, Jacob? I see blood on your shirt."

"It's my blood. He used his shirt to stop the bleeding." Bella said embarrassed.

River glanced at them before she glared at wound on Bella's forehead,"yeah you need stitches."

"I'll be outside." Jacob announced.

"Still scared of needles." River stated a joke.

"Shut up." Jacob said embarrassed.

River smirked,"Bella will be right out."

"Okay." Jacob said before he left.

River puts on her surgical gloves and attended to Bella's wound.

"So blood doesn't bother you?" Bella asked.

"No, why would it?" River answered as she began to clean the cut.

"You know because you're va...mpire." She whispered.

River stopped to stare at her hands,"look at my eyes clearly I'm not one of them." River looked at Bella.

"Than what are you?" Bella asked.

"I'm not complete vampire." River whispered vampire.

"So you're saying a vampire and a human can conceive a child?" Bella asked shocked.

"This is not a place to talk about this Bella. Edward really never told anything?" River said confused before she continued.

"No. He avoided talking about you." Bella whispered.

River clutched her teeth slightly and nodded constantly in understanding.

"Im sorry." Bella suddenly said.

"For what?" River asked confused.

"I'm older yet you act like the older one. You do more than I ever did. You take care of me and Charlie. I should be the one looking out for you not the other way around." Bella said sadly as she looked down.

"Don't worry about it. I don't expect you too." River smiled,"you and Charlie gave me a home. It's least I can do."

Bella shyly smiled slightly,"Why do you work so much? Does working here remind you of Dr Cullen?"

"Sometimes. But I'm doing this so I can get into a good school." River said to herself.

"Why are you in a rush? Don't you have eternity for this?" Bella whispered the last part.

"I'm not immortal Bella. Actually I don't know if I am or not. I'm first of this kind and not much is known about them." River explained,"there done." River said before taking off her cloves.

"What are you exactly?" Bella asked,"I saw what you did to James after he almost attacked me back in the baseball game. You repelled him. And with Jasper. You made him calm down. Are they one of the special abilities, you guys get after turning."

"I wasn't turned, I was born with them, Bella." River hesitated not sure if she should continue to answer her many questions.

"Bella!" Charlie's relieved voice rang through the ER,"what happened? Are you okay?"

"Dad, I'm fine." Bella defended.

"Is she, really?" Charlie asked River.

River smirked,"she should be."

"Thank you, River." Charlie said.

"Thanks." Bella said.

"No problem. See ya later." River said before she left.

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