Princess Amadahy

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"I'm fine. I'm okay."

Charlie gives River a glass of water,"Are you sure?" Charlie said as he set beside her.

River took a shaky sip on her water,"yeah. I'm just tired." She said exhausted.

Charlie nodded,"okay, goodnight." He kissing her head before he hesitatly left.

River laid back and rested her head on her pillow before she slowly closed her eyes.

River suddenly was walking around a dark, blank area, nothing in sight. This scene felt familiar somehow, Though She doubt she has been there before.

"Thalia?" A voice asked with a surprised gasp.

River spun around towards the voice to stare at woman who looked like she was in her mid twenties or late thirties with dark straight hair, tan skin and a slender figure.

"Who?" River asked with a frown.

"Thalia?" The woman came close to her.

River frowned as she slowly backed away with each step she took towards her,"I'm sorry whoever you are, you must have me confused. I'm not Thalia."

"River?" The woman's eyes widen in realisation,"princess Amadahy." She kneed.

"What are you doing?" River frowned in confusion.

"River Accalia Cullen. Daughter of princess Katherine Cullen granddaughter of Accalia, Queen of the Amazon."

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

The woman smiled kindly at her,"You don't remember me?" The woman who wore animal skin clothing. She walked closer to River,"you were just a baby when I last saw you."

River frowned,"I will ask again. Who are you? Where am I? And what am I doing here?"

"My name is Clara, princess. I was a friend of your mother's." She said with a suspicious smile.



"Where is she?"

Clara looked down,"that's what I'll also like to know. She's not with you?"

"No, she left when I was baby." River explained.

"Is that so?" Clara frowned.

"She never told you where she went?" River asked curiously

"I'm afraid not. She one day took you and ran away."

River's eyes widen in confusion,"why?"

"I can't say." Clara said,"she never said. That's why we need to find her so she can explain why she left with an heir of our people."


"We can help each find her."

River nodded,"Earlier you called me princess, an heir to your people. What is that about?"

"Your grandmother was the Queen of the Amazon."

"Amazon!" River's eyes widen,"my dream. Every night on my birthday I dream about woman talking, wishing me well, giving me blessings."

"Those are your people." Clara said.

"My people?" River asked confused.

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