Dear Diary

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River stared at a dairy, Charlie gave to her on her birthday. She hasn't gotten a chance to write on it. She study in appearance; it had a blue leather cover, a criss and cross stitches pattern, handmade decor, a lock and key.

She sighed before she grabbed it

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She sighed before she grabbed it. She flipped through the blank, empty pages before she grabbed her pen.

Dear Diary

Charlie gave me a dairy for my birthday. He hoped I could express my thoughts and feelings in, that I don't share with him or anybody else.

I guess I should start from the beginning. The reason for my pain. I was happy and in loved. I had a family you cared and loved me and boyfriend who are adored me. I had everything I could ever want.

But one day everything changed... River stopped to stare at her writing.

Long story short. Things have changed. They no longer here with me. They no longer care enough to leave to a letter or just to say goodbye. They don't even call to check up me.

Seems kinder pointless to keep them in heart and mind. It's pointless to keep asking myself questions knowing full well that they was no here to answer them. It's pointless thinking about them because it only brings me more pain, more anger.

Something I don't need. What I need is purpose. I don't want to make Charlie worried. I want to live a life I know he'll be proud of. I owe him that much. He's the only family I got now. He's the only one here for me.

I feel guilty times. I want to tell him everything but I'll just be putting him and Bella in danger. And that's not what I want.

River closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to shred.


Dear Diary

Through everything. The truth is I'm angry, furious, I'm beyond frustrated. At them; mom, dad, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice. I'm angry at Bella and Edward but...mostly myself.

I was so recklessly in love. I was so consumed by love that I fooled myself to believe that nothing could ever go wrong.  Man! I was wrong. When it hit me, it hit me hard.  I choose not to see the signs. Their were right there.

Now they've done it again. Not only to me but to Bella. Now she's just like me a few months ago when discovered what happened. Sad and depressed. I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone.

I know all she needs is time, it will get easier with time. No one understands more than me.


Dear Diary

Right now, I'm eating candy I got from Halloween that was a few weeks ago.

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