White Wolf

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River knocked on the white door on a red painted wooden house house. She waited patiently as she darted her eyes around the small house. Her head moved to stare down on the man in the wheelchair.

"River, what a surprise? Im afraid Jacob is not here?" Billy said just as surprised

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"River, what a surprise? Im afraid Jacob is not here?" Billy said just as surprised.

"I know." River stood there nervously,"I actually came to see you. I was hoping I could ask you a few things if you don't mind?" River asked nervously.

Billy frowned,"yes of course, come inside." He said before he wheeled aside.

"Thank you." River said accepting a cup of tea.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Billy asked.

"What do know about the white wolf?" River asked.

Billy's eyes widen,"well I know they are also known as ice wolves, frost demons and mourning wolves. They are a rare type of werewolf. How often they appear but also due to the large price to pay to gain this status."

"What kind of a price?" River asked curiously.

" It is said to become a white wolf, one must have a heart of ice, devoided of warmth and love. The price to pay is to kill off all those loves most, but also kill off the love in their heart." Billy explained.

"To stop feeling?"

"Yes." Billy nodded.

"What do you mean by killing off all those loves the most!" River asked.

"I'm not sure. It's been centuries since anyone has seen a white wolf shifters. The reason the white wolf are so rare is because those who try to attain this status are unable to kill off the love in their heart." Billy explained.

"Do you know the last person who was?" River asked.

"I'm afraid I don't."

"Can that person ever feel love again?" River asked hopefully.

"A white wolf can regain love in their life after turning but it can only be drawn by an outsider source who has strong feelings of love towards them, whether it be familiar, romantic or platonic. However, losing a strong love can be detrimental to a white wolf, feeling the pain of loss a lot harder than other werewolves, most often than not, causing so much on he body, their hair will lose all colour and turn white." Billy explained.

River nodded in understanding. She has felt the pain of loss in last couple of months. A few weeks ago she decided to stop feeling because she believed emotions made her weak.

"Why are you asking me this?" Billy asked snapping River from her thoughts.

"I'm just curious." River gave him a tight small smile.

"Is there a reason why you want to know this?"

River's eyes widen,"I've been having these dreams for a few days now, about the white wolf. One night it attacked me. When I woke up I got a paw print tattooed on my right shoulder."

Billy frowned,"a wolf paw print?"

"Yes. At least I think it is..." River said unsure,"I think it's best if I showed you." River turned in her chair, titled her shoulder before she removed her shirt to reveal the paw print of her shoulder.

" River turned in her chair, titled her shoulder before she removed her shirt to reveal the paw print of her shoulder

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"Have you phased yet?" Billy said after studying the tattoo.

"No. I don't think so." River said shrugging on her shirt," I don't know, I was hoping you can help me understand about wolves before they phase." She desperately asked.

"You're not complete shapeshifter. I don't know if I can. It's not that I don't want too. It's just might be different for you." Billy said disappointed,"but I will get the council and Sam involved so they can help you."

"Thank you Billy but I don't know if I'll be in Forks for a while."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know yet." River said.

"I'm sorry River. I wish i could help you but if you ever phased come back. We will be more than happy to assist you" Billy said

"One last thing. Do you know how your tribe of shape shifting wolves came to be?"

"We've always had it as far as I know?" Billy said,"it's magic.... it's awakens within our blood when we're close to your vampire kind."

"So you believe it's magic?" River said,"tell me Billy, do you believe in witches?"


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