Trouble Part II

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"Victoria." River snarled her name as she stood in a battle stance.

"Don't bother. I'm not here to kill you, not yet I mean." Victoria said with a hatefully voice, "but you could at least thank me for bringing you back home last night." Victoria said with a smirk.

"It was you?" River's eyes widen in shock,"why?"

"Would you rather I left you there you to freeze to death or eaten by wild animals." Victoria said.

"Why do you care?" River asked.

"You and I similar you know."

"I doubt that. I'm not a murder." River referred to all the missing and killed people around Forks.

"You call it murder, I call it survival. That's what we are survivers. We do what have to do to survive. You may not see it now but you will soon." Victoria said.

"I don't have time for this." River stared at the red hair woman,"if you're not here to kill me than I'll be in my way."

"I want us to talk first." Victoria simply said.

"I have nothing to a to say to you."

"I'll talk, you listen... I want to take you back to the night James died."

"Sadly, I don't remember that night." River said truthfully,"What about it?"

"Well, let's jog your memory." Victoria said before she started to circle her.

"I rather not." River said not wanting to remember horrible things James did to her.

Victoria with a speed of lightening wrapping her hard, cold, slender fingers around River's neck and pushed River against a tree,"do you remember what he said to you?" She asked.

"No! But I remember him attacked me just like you're currently doing." River said not struggling because she wasn't squeezing uncomfortably hard.

"Then what?" Victoria squeezed her hand tighter River's neck.

"Why is this important to you again?" River asked confused.

"Cause I need to know what he knew. He was so excited after we met you and your sister. That he ran off without tell me what he knew." Victoria said annoyed and frustrated.

"I can't help you, even if I wanted too. I really don't remember much from that night." River said,"now are you going to tell me what you want besides asking me questions I don't know the answers too."

Victoria let go of River,"No, no River. I don't want anything from you, well at least not now." She looked at River from her head to her feet.

River shivered under her glare,"I know you're after Bella. What do you want from her?" River asked.

"I really want nothing from Bella." She said circling, River again."I only want Edward to feel the pain I felt when he killed my mate, James. I want to know what it means to lose a reason for existence. Your sister is just an obstacle, a means to an end." Victoria said,"but you, River are very... very important to me, that's why I want you alive." Victoria brushed her slender long fingers on River's cheek.

"What do you mean?" River asked confused, desperately for an answer to justify her unpredictable actions.

"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. We will be seeing each other very soon." She said smiling before she choked and bashed River's head against the tree.

River hissed and winced in pain before she blacked out.


"River, wake up." Sam's voice rang in River's ears.

"Mmm." River hissed.

"Why do I always find you like this." Sam's concerned voice rang.

"I don't know, it's not like it's my fault." River winced in pain as she touched the back of her head. She bought it in front her and saw blood.

"You're bleeding." Sam said.

"I know. Victoria roughed me up. Where is she?" River said trying to get up.

"The red headed vampire? The pack is going after right now." Sam asked.


"What does she want?"

"Revenge." River simply said before she stumbled and fell.

"Whoa." Sam said catching her before she fell.

"I feel a little light headed." River said drowsily.

"Come on. I'm taking you to the hospital." Sam took her arm and wrapped it around his neck and wrapped his arm around her waist to support her.

"No, Charlie will find out and I'll have to come up with another lie to tell him. I'll heal with a little rest." River said.


"Will you be okay, by yourself?" Sam asked placing her on her bed.

River immediately got under the covers,"yeah. I just need a little rest." She said exhausted.

"Okay, I'll see you around." Sam said before he jumped out the window.

"Thanks again." River said before he left. After a while she closed her eyes and drifted off.


A single knock echoed in River's room,"River." Charlie's voice said before he turned the nob and slowly opened the door.

"Yeah, what is it?" River said emotionlessly.

He opened it entirely and saw a River browsing on her laptop,"just checking if you were home." Charlie said.

"You did say to come straight back." River said finally looking at him.

"You're angry. But I hope you understand why I did it." Charlie lowered his head and set on the edge of her bed,"I don't know what to do anymore. How do I get you to talk to me, I want to know what's going on with you, cause sometimes I feel like I don't know my own I'm living with a complete stranger... Please tell me how? Cause I've tried, River, I really have. I need you to tell me what can I do cause I don't want to lose you." Charlie said desperately, his voice breaking.

River's face and heart softened before resting her hand on his,"I want to tell you. I really do but if I did I'll putting and Bella  in danger."

Charlie raised his head alertly,"what do mean? Is someone threatening you?"

"Everything threatens my very existence. As long as I shall, you will always be in danger. This is me trying to protect from it."

"No! I'm the parent here. I'm the one who's suppose to be protecting you. Not the other way around." Charlie said.

"Not in the world I live in. Not in the state you're in. I'm different. There are people who don't like that I'm different."

"What are you talking about?" Charlie asked more confused.

River grabbed hold of Charlie's hand,"please please. Just for this one time trust me. I never asked you for anything. I'm just asking you to trust me. To trust that whatever you need to know, I'll tell you."

"And I don't need to know this?"

"No, you don't."

"If it concerns Bella's and my life, shouldn't I know?" Charlie asked concerned.

"No, telling you is what will put you in danger." River said. She saw the uncertainty written all over his face,"trust me... please." She said with a determined look.

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