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TIP: New Moon has come to end. It has been an incredible journey but now it's time to close this chapter and open another.

 It has been an incredible journey but now it's time to close this chapter and open another

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TIP: Lunar Eclipse

River is forced to face her feelings of heartache, pain, fear, range, sorrow and despair head on to save herself from drowning in them, and to save the people she loves. Will she face them or will she find a way to escape them once more even if it means losing everything that she is and have?

I will be dividing the eclipse into two parts. The first with be the Lunar and the second with be the solar eclipse.

The Lunar will written based on the course of River's life after she left Forks. Relationships with the people she will encounter. During the formation of her relationships she will discover herself and the truth.

The Solar will be Stephanie Meyers' eclipse.

I know I promised I'll reveal River's true mate by the end of this book but I thought I should wait a little long cause even I don't know yet.

I will greatly appreciate any ideas you might have about the next book, cause I have no ideas.

It may take a while to publish. Bare with me. But I hope when I do, you will all be there to support it.

I appreciate everyone who has read and voted. I am truly grateful.

Sincerely Yours

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