The Talk

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Bella walked into the house after going out with some friends to watch a movie. She looked down, her face emotionless.

"Hey, you're back." Charlie said, concerned.

"Yeah." Bella said before heading up the stairs.

Charlie listened to the steps as they got quiet and a click from Bella's bedroom door,"I wish you two will talk to each other once in a while. I don't like this tension between the two of you. You're sisters after all." Charlie said.

River looked around,"what can I possibly say to her?"

"Hey Bella you wanna hang out, catch a movie with your little sister sometime." Charlie sarcastically said.

River smirked,"you're making jokes now? And clearly she doesn't want to talk."

"I'll never know unless you try." Charlie said.

"Fine." River said making her way up the stairs. She stood in front of Bella's door before she hesitantly knocked. When she didn't hear a response, she went in anyway,"hey, Bella, can we talk to." River said

"I can't right now." Bella dismissed her.

"Okay." River before turned around and close the door.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked confused.

"I need to talk you." River said before she walked in further into the room. She set on the edge of Bella's bed,"Charlie is worried about you. About both of us."

"I know."

"We need to change that." River said.

"How do you suggest we do that?" Bella asked uninterested.

"You need to stop sulking all the time. You're worrying everyone over nothing."

"Nothing? They meant nothing to you?" Bella said with a frown.

"They left." River said slowly and clearly.

"To protect us."

"Who are you trying to convince me or you. We both know they didn't left to protect us. Maybe for you but not for me. I've lived with them for over sixteen years and never once have they ever tried to hurt me." River said her eyebrow furrowed.

Bella looked down,"Do you blame me? For them leaving. Do you think it's my fault?" Bella asked.

River stayed quiet for while,"I blame you for many things things happening in my life right now. Including you coming into my life, changing every thing, turning my world upside down. I'm forced in a situation I don't want to be in because of you" River said," but I can't blame you for them leaving. They made that choice by themselves. They choose to leave because it made things easier for them, they wouldn't have to worry about us." River said with an emotionless, straight face," Yeah sure you carelessly bleed in a house full of...bloodsucking vampires." She said whispered,"I can blame you for that but not for this." River said through her teeth,"I can never forgive them for what they did. I will never forgive them for making me feel like this whole thing was my fault." Tears welled up in River's eyes. She closed her eyes to hold them back before she opened them again to look at Bella.

"River. I'm sure this wasn't easy on them leaving you behind." Bella continued to defend.

"Easy for you to say." River chuckled humourlessly,"You got to say goodbye. You got to see one last time. I got nothing." Anger and sadness clear in River's voice.

River stayed quiet,"they meant everything to me. Bella, we both lost people dear to us but they're gone. You need to think about the people around you. It's hurting them seeing you like this. If you're not going to do this for yourself, do it for Charlie, do it for your mom, do it for your friends." River said.

Bella doesn't respond as she stared at the floor,"I can't." She said.

River looked at her with a questionnaire look,"its not that you can't. You don't want too. You want to feel like this? You want to feel pain?" River asked confused but slowly coming to realisation.

Bella looked away embarrassed.

"This is not worth it, Bella. You're throwing your life away." River placed her hands on Bella's shoulders and slightly shook her.

Bella stepped back to remove her off her,"We can't all be like you River. We can't all just shut our feelings. I'm human, I can't do the things you do."

"Being human or not has nothing to do with it. I feel pain, I feel sadness. I am hurt about them leaving not but I can't do anything about it." River placed her hand on her chest. River blinked a few times,"Bella. You don't have to forgot him or anyone them because they will always be a part of who you are. All I'm saying is you need to be aware of everything and everybody around you. Beware of Charlie, your friends, school and your future." River said looking down,"Edward wouldn't want this. You how he is, he's hopeless." River chuckled while Bella smiled,"he will never fade, you know he existed because you loved him and he loved you." River smiled sadly.


"Hey, I'm going to reservation to meet up with Jacob." Bella said with a little enthusiasm.

"Hey." Charlie said as he frowned in confusion as he watched her leave the house,"bye." He said,"she seems to be in better mood. What did you say to her?" He curiously asked.

"Made a breakthrough. We just had a girl talk. You know." River simply answered as she flipped through her magazine.

"Whatever you did, worked." Charlie said,"thank you. I don't know what I'll do without you." He sincerely said as he placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"Yeah." River mumbled before looked away.

She saved Bella from ultimate despair. Saved Charlie constantly worry that will send him to an early grieve. Whenever someone needed her, she was there.

But who was going to be there for her. Who was going to save her from her own nightmares.

River gave Charlie a tight smiled after he pulled away from kissing the top of her head.

TIP: New MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora