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"You're what?" Charlie shouted,"why?" He asked desperately.

"I'm leaving.  College hunting. A change of scenery could do me good." River said to him with a one of kind dimple smile.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asked worried.

"A trip around the States." River said.

"I don't know." Charlie said unsure.

"Please." River begged,"I'll be with my aunts and cousins in Alaska for a few days. Check the universities there."

"Why have you never contact them before?" Charlie asked.

"I wasn't for the first few months but we are now. And they want me to visit them." River said,"please, they're family, they won't hurt me." She said but deep in her heart, she knew it wasn't true.

"When are you leaving?" Charlie asked.

River laughed sheepishly,"Today." She said nervously scratched the back of her head, a habit she has developed.

"What? Why so soon?" Charlie said a little stressed out.

"Yeah, sorry, I meant to tell you sooner." River said sheepishly.

Charlie wrapped his arms across his chest, his eyes closed as he thought about all the possibilities, the consequences of River leaving, the bad and the good,"I don't know, you're barely 18."

"I know, just don't over think it?" River said,"I'll be fine. I'm going to see my aunt and cousins first before I go anyway. They're going to take good care of me. It will nice to do something for me." River smiled.

Charlie sighed giving in,"as long as you don't get into trouble, and you call me everyday..." He instructed.

"Yeah, yeah." River said as she hugged him,"I will." She smiled,"I should finish packing."

Charlie nodded before letting her daughter go.

River pulled away before going to her room. She sighed as she threw herself on her bed, after she finished packing. She got up to her dresser and took a picture that was lying there. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of Katherine.

River studied the picture before putting it in her suitcase. After checking that she had everything she needed packed, she took her luggage downstairs.

"Let me help you with that?" Charlie said offering to take the luggage.

"Thanks." River said before going back to her room taking a small bag and looked at the room one more time. She sighed before closing the door.

"Ready?" Charlie asked.

River sighed for the last time,"yeah." She whispered, nodding.

"I guess this is goodbye?" Bella said.

"I guess it is." River said smirking.

"Take care of yourself, don't get in trouble. Don't cause me if you need anything, I'll call everyday to make sure your alright." Charlie said frowning sadly.

"I will..." River hugged him,"I promise." She said,"thank you for everything..." River said,"dad."

Charlie's eyes went wide opened. For the first time River called him dad and it made his heart flutter. He gave her one final squeeze before letting her go,"take care. I love you." He kissed her head repeatedly before he lets her go.

"Love you too." She said with a sad smile before she walked away.

River nodded as she closed the boot of her car. She smiled when she saw a car pullover. She watched Jacob get out,"you came."

"Yeah." Jacob said walking close to River,"I know, I wasn't the best of friends, I was rude, insensitive and you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry. Truely speaking, you're the best of all my friends. And I don't want to ever lose you." Jacob said.

"You do know what I am now? The question is do you still feel the same, do you accept me the way that I am?" River asked hopefully.

"A part of you, is still human." Jacob said.

All hope left River's body and disappointment covered it,"that's not what I meant."

"You lied to me the whole time since we met. I can't help what I feel about your kind." Jacob silently yelled.

"I need to leave soon." River said disappointed.

"River, listen. Even through that I still want you to be a part of my life. I want my best friend back." Jacob said.

River gave him a simply nod before looking at Jacob,"well this is goodbye."

"Are coming back?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah." River said shutting the boot of her car.

Jacob nodded as he tucked his in hands in her pockets,"I'll miss having you around." he smirked.

"Same here but you have the pack now." River said,"and I won't be gone long." River said looking at him and Bella,"don't get your hopes up too high."

Jacob sighed and said nothing, not wanting to start a fight. He hugged her one last time before she stepped back.

"Say goodbye to Emily and the pack for me." River said getting in her car. She nooded at Billy who nodded back.

"I will." Jacob smirked.

River waved at them before getting into her car. They waved until River disappeared from their sight.

Charlie sighed before brought his hand down,"they grow too fast." Charlie said to Billy.

"You have no idea." Billy said looking at his own son.


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