Time Passed

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Life went on for River after the Cullens left. She decided, they were dead to her. If they wanted to leave than they leave.

There was no use being depressed on over people who didn't care for her. Who didn't care to leave a single note, to say goodbye. They just left as if it was the most easiest thing to do in the world.

It made her feel like she was never wanted. That she was just a burden that was inflicted on them by her own mother, Katherine. She felt like they were forced to take her in and care for her.

Bella wasn't taking this situation any better, she was far taking it the worst. She was depressed all the time. She barely did anything but stare into open space.

During the day she would sit in a rocking chair staring out of window. Her face blank. During the night she would sleep and wake up in the middle of the night screaming from her nightmares. She remain stark in the circle, unchanging unlike the world around her.


Costumed kids appeared in the yard, trick or treating.

"I'm going trick or treating." River announced, running downstairs.

"Ain't you a little too old for that?" Charlie asked, his furrowed

River took a while before she answered,"never. I'll be back soon." She answered before she walked out.

Bella saw River terrosaring the neighbour kids in her vampire costume though her window. She assumed it was inside joke for her.


"Happy birthday." Charlie sang as he placed a birthday cake in front of River and kissed her temple.

"Thanks." River blew out the candles on her cake with a huge grin on her face.

She then opened her present from Charlie which was a blue dairy,"I know you've been going through a lot these couple weeks but I hope this will help you get by." Charlie said.

Charlie was worried about his youngest daughter's behaviour because she barely talked or show how she was felt. Sometimes you can tell that she was sad behind her beaming smiles and grins.


Ever since River came back to live with them. She has never once shown signs of sadness or anger, instead she joked, laughed and smiled often.

It got Bella and Charlie wondering if she wasn't as strong as she looked. Maybe if she was putting up an act for them so they won't worry. But it only made them more worried. They wondered if behind closed doors, when she's all alone, she cried herself to sleep. If she was broken as bella was. Instead of showing it, she kept inside.


River was all over the kitchen as she prepared a Thanksgiving dinner.

"Smells good in here." Charlie said as he entered the kitchen.

"Dinner will be done soon." River announced,"hey!" She slapped Charlie's hand away from the food,"you will have to wait."

Charlie chuckled as he rubbed his hand. He kissed the top of her head. The relationship between River and Charlie grew with time, they got along fine as if they've known each other for years.


Winter began the trees' branches are now bare.

Charlie dragged a Christmas tree toward the house...worry has taken its toll on him about both his daughters.

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