The letter

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River was pack her things when she accidentally knocked the blue box. River looked at it hesitantly before she began to pick up the things inside. She stopped and frowned when she saw a book she has never seen before.

 She stopped and frowned when she saw a book she has never seen before

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She grabbed the book wrapped blue blanket. She slided off it and saw a black book with silver hand engraved on it. A shallow round whole in a middle of a pentagram. She looked at the necklace on the ground and the book in her hand. River kneed down and held the necklace by its chain, so she wouldn't touch the bare necklace. The necklace could fit in the lock and open the book.

She thought again before puts it in the box and covered it with her blanket. She grabbed the letter. Without giving it a second thought she opened it.

Out fell a picture. She picked it up and saw her and Bella in a picture. River set down, stunned. It wasn't Bella and her but people that looked like them. The reason was she and Bella have never taken a picture together and never dressed in old gowns like in the paintings.

My darling Amadahy

She reads it over and over. She bites her lower lip before she forced her eyes to scroll and read the letter.

Each day I'm away from you, it's gets harder. All I think about you all the time? If you're safe? If you're happy?

But I'm sure you are. I know Carlisle will take care of you and provide you with things I could ever offer you. A warm home, love from both a mother and father, siblings to look out for you.

All my life, I've always been on a move. Searching for something I don't even know either.

By the time you read this, I hoping you're old enough to understand what I'm about to tell you in this letter.

I'm going to explain as much as I can about the picture inside this letter.

The people in the picture are not you or your sister. It was taken more then a thousand years ago. The reason you both look like the people in the picture is still unknown.

That's one of the reason I left you. I also left to seek information about the connection between you, your sister and the picture. I couldn't take you with me. I had to lead them away so they wouldn't come after you. I was protecting you from people who wanted to use the power you've been gifted, to twist it for their own gain.

I wish I can tell you more but I can't. I want to keep you safe. To do so I had to leave, you have to lose all contact with me. Believe me I didn't want to buy I had. I've done so little for you. Running away and leaving you behind seemed like the only way I can protect you.

Maybe one we can be united. I can explain everything to you.

PS If you ever feel like your in danger. Don't come searching for me. Find Nina Bright. She will help you.

Love your mother, Katherine

River frowned, she was more confused than ever. She didn't know what Katherine was talking about the whole letter. She wanted to know. She needed to know everything and only she knew the answers.

She didn't understand why Carlisle has been keeping this a secret from her. Why has he never told her about what was inside the box? About the letter?

River left her packing, got into her car and drove to her house. River stood by the door and looked at white covered furniture. She has stepped foot in the house for almost six months. She than realised, she felt nothing. She didn't feel even the slightest ping of pain.

She walked to Carlisle's office and swinged open the door before she began to look around for any letters Katherine might have personally sent to Carlisle.

River found a safe underneath his desk. She started putting in different combinations from his the day he meet one of his family to the birthday of everyone including his own. Nothing. River thought hard before she realised.

"22.11.1988." River said as she put it in. She sighed in relief when it popped open. The day she arrived into The their their lives. She started going through every single document in the safe. At the bottom she found a stack of letters.

She grabbed and noticed they had no address

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She grabbed and noticed they had no address. River frowned and started to read them.

"Dear Carlisle." River said

I hope all is well. It's been exactly three years since I left River under your care. I hope she's not giving you much trouble.

River took another letter and read it.

"Dear Carlisle."

It's been six years. Its getting harder to stay away from her. But I'm sure she's happy and safe.

River saw and traced the few dry teardrop stains on the letter.

"Dear Carlisle."

It's been ten years. A whole decade has went by. Time surely flies, huh? I bate River is as beautiful as the first time layed eyes on her. I know in a few weeks. It'll be her birthday. If she's anything I was back then, growing fast, I'm guessing she's probably a teenager now. I miss her so much, Carlisle.

"Dear Carlisle."

Twelve years since I left. 2 years and 6 months since the last letter. I'm counting down the days I'll get to hold her in my arms again. I'm close Carlisle. I'm so close to finding the truth. I can feel it. But the closer I get, the more danger I'm in. But don't worry I'll be fine.

"Dear Carlisle."

They found me. If anything happens to me...take River, relocate. Keep her safe, Carlisle. She's all I have. Whatever you do, don't come looking for me.

River read the letters with a broken heart. The last letter was obviously rushed. The hand writing wasn't as neat like the others. She was in trouble and she needed help.

"Let's see. According to the letters she writes almost to every three years. It's been 5 years since she last wrote. Five years and no one went out to find her." River spoke to herself. She couldn't blame anyone she did warn them to stay away and not to follow her or try and look for her but she's family. She could be in danger and it's could all because of her. It could be her fault. She had to find. River felt like it was her responsibility.

If no one will than she would. She's need to go to Alaska where it all started. Where she disappeared. From there she will look for clues that will lead to her. By first she needed to find this Nina, who can help her find Katherine.

As if she needed more reason to leave Forks.

TIP: New MoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя