What They Really Think

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Alice faced off with Carlisle as the others watch on. Esme desolated; Emmett blank. He ate next to Rosalie who seems almost irritated. Jasper isolated himself in a corner.

"mom...dad. Please don't leave me here. Not you too. Please. Whatever I did, I'll fix it. I promise I'll take better of myself, I'll stop sulking. I'll do better. We can go back to how things were. When we were happy." River chuckled through her broken voice,"Please come back. Rose, Em, Jess, Allie anyone please, please come back, home. Don't leave me here, I don't want to be alone. Please." River sobbed,"I can't do this on my own. Edward if you can hear me. Just remember the promise you made. If you still love me at all remember the first time you left me. Remember what you told me. Remember all the promises you've made. Don't break them all." River said,"please come back."

Everyone's heart broke as they listened to a voicemail River sent.

"I can't take this anymore. I'm going back." Rosalie said.

"Rosalie you know we can't."

"Why? Because Edward said we can't. I don't remember agreeing on this." Rosalie argued.

"We're doing this for their safety."

"River has always been safer with us." Rosalie furrowed her brows.

"Please Rosalie. This time we were lucky they got us with scratches but what about next we won't be this lucky again." Esme said.

"We are family. We don't hurt each other." Rosalie refused to see reason.

"We promised Edward." Carlisle said.

"Speaking about Edward. Why isn't he here?" Rosalie asked.

"Bella won't do well without us. I get flashes of her, but they're unclear..."

"Forget Bella. Let's drag Edward back here and go home." Rosalie said.

"He'll come back when he's ready. After Bella moves on." Esme said.

"Yes. When she's living her life, safe from danger." Carlisle said.

"You mean safe from us." Jasper said with self contempt.

Alice wrapped an arm around Jasper, soothingly.

"And when will that be?" Rosalie pointedly to Alice.

"Can you see him, Alice?" They all turn to Alice...a beat. She closed her eyes, trying to get a lock on Edward.

"They only decision he's made..."

Visuals are jumpy, unclear.

It started high on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Swoop down to its peak where Edward was. Standing still, face agonised.

"...is to be alone..."

And suddenly, he started running, like he's trying to outrun his memories, faster and faster. He raced toward a cliff; a ravine hundreds of feet below. Edward doesn't slow, just blasted forward faster; then he leaped off the cliff, floating, but the pain stayed with him.

Edward landed on his feet, hard on the other side of the ravine as they hit ground.

"If he wants to be alone than let him. What about River, your niece who Katherine entrusted us with her. Your niece who you've loved enough to considered your daughter." Rosalie said as she stood in front of Carlisle.

Alice stared off into a distance,"River will..."

She saw flashes of River smiling, laughing with Charlie and Jacob. She started school. She was working at the hospital on her time and the weekends. She smiling kindly to her patients specially the elderly and young children.

"Be fine. She's happy."

"Happy?" Rosalie asked shocked.

"She gets sad sometimes but she's mostly happy." Alice said sad but also relief that she was moving on and she was happy.

Rosalie's heart broke. She was sad but also happy that River was happy. That all she wanted. Happy and safe. If she could cry she would. She slightly nodded her head slowly before she left. Emmett soon followed closely behind.


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