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River hesitantly entered the living after she heard harsh hushed tone arguing back and forth. They quickly stopped when they noticed River,"is everything okay?" She asked worried.

"Everything is fine." Esme said with a half forced smile,"I'm going to miss having you around."

River chuckled,"I'll see you in a few days."

"Yeah." Esme hesitatly said with a smile.

"This will be the first time away from each other for this long." Rosalie said unsure.

River gave her a smile,"we'll see each other soon."

Rosalie gave a tight, sad smile,"I'm going to miss you. Take care of yourself." Rosalie hugged her.

"I will mom." River joked. Rosalie was like a mother to her. She took care of her most of the time. She smiled at her when she pulled away.

In the back of her mind, it felt wrong.


"River! I wasn't expecting you." Charlie said shocked as he opened the door wide open.

"Yeah, sorry. I meant to tell you sooner. It's just..." River lied.

"You don't need a reason to stay here. This is your home too." Charlie said letting her in,"I'll prepare the guest room for you. Help yourself to some food in kitchen if you're hungry."

"Thanks." River said.

"I'll be right back." Charlie said before leaving.

"Hey." Bella's voice said.

"Hey." River hummed in respond.

"How is Jasper?"

"I wouldn't know. He said he wanted to be alone." River said.

"Okay." Bella awkwardly said.

"Done." Charlie said coming to room. He took River's bag and led her to the guest room,"this is the bathroom. Bella's room. This is your room, I know it not much."

"It fine."

"You can redecorate it if you want. The bathroom is at the end of the hall. I'll clear a shelf for you in the morning." Charlie explained. He stood there for a while,"well I'll leave you to it. Goodnight." He said before he walked away.

"Goodnight." River whispered. She flopped on the back, her face facing down. She turned to lay on her back and look at the ceiling. She sighed as she thought about that night's events. She turned to her side and slowly closed her eyes.


River took a deep breath in as she woke up from her slumber.  She looked around the room she has grown familiar with. It been 3 days since she left her home, the Cullen house. Three days since she had contact with them.

She made no attempt to move all day. She just stared in distance out her window seat that faced the forest. Suddenly she heard steps rushing up the stairs and her door busted opened,"River, have you seen Bella? Did you tell you wheres she was going or when she will be coming back?"

She got up,"no." She frowned at the worry and impatient Charlie,"what happened to Bella?"

"She missing." Charlie said.

That was a few hours ago. Half the town is gathered. A tired rescue party that included Mike Newton and Jacob Black.

River stood beside Charlie who was worried as he posted over a map with Billy Black who was in wheelchair and Quileute Harry Clearwater.

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