Save You From Yourself Part I

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"Hey, it's good to hear your voice again." Alice said

"What do you want, Alice? I'm kinder in the middle of something." River said walking away.

"I'm glad you're okay." Alice said relieved, in a rushed, worry tone.

"Alice." River said tapping her foot impatiently.

"I know you're angry. But please." Alice pleaded,"It's Edward." Alice said.

"What has he done now?" River asked in a hurry.

"Edward is going to Volterra to provoke the Volturi into killing him." Alice said in a rush.

River's started to race at the sound of Edward's name,"Why the hell would he do that?" River yelled through the phone.

"He thought Bella died. She...." Alice said.

"Bella is dead?" River asked shocked.

"No, she's not. She's here with me." Alice said.

"You're in Forks. Is everyone there?"

"No." Alice answered.

"Why would Edward think Bella is dead."

"In my vision, I saw Bella jumping off a cliff but her wet dog saved her. When he got close to her, I couldn't see her." Alice explained.

"River." Bella's rang through the phone

"Bella." River said relieved when she heard Bella's voice.

"We need your help. You need to go to Volturi."

"I can't. They will know I exist."

"River. You're our only hope. I don't want Edward to die, not because of me." Bella pleaded desperately,"you don't have to show yourself, just find him, try to stall him until we get there."

"Okay. I'll see what I can do." River said nodding.

"Thank you." Bella in an emergency.

River hung up as she looked behind her before turning away. She got into her car and drove.


Slamming the door shut, after she got out of her car. She nervously inhaled the hot air of the day. Her panicking eyes scanned her surrounds.

She started running everywhere, desperately looking around. She had to look around and also look over her shoulder. She had a feeling she couldn't shake off. Someone is following her. She thought about the volturi but they wouldn't know she here already.

River cursed when she spotted Edward following the Volturi,"okay, okay. What am I going to do now?" She panicked,"he hasn't done anything wrong. So they wouldn't kill him, right?"

"They're going in." A whispered echoed.

River followed the voice until she saw a person in a red cloth. River wonder why the person was inside here, the festival was outside.

Footsteps began to echo through the old walls of Volterra. Suddenly River was pulled.

The person in the red cloth placed a finger on the mouth. River did as she was told until she heard the steps becoming lighter and further.

"What are you doing here? The festival is outside." A voice suddenly said as it stood in front of her, blocking a view.

"I should be asking you. You're the one wearing the red cloth." River said confused.

"Why are I doing here?" He phrased the question slowly.

River frowned,"I'm not stupid. I'm here for a friend." She asked looking around before her eyes landed the male in front of her.

"Who are you?" River asked when looked up from the man's chest.

"Where is he?" The man asked back.

"I don't know." River said looking around.

"I'll find your friend, just leave, it's not safe here." He grabbed her arm led her away.

River pulled her arm away from him,"I'm not leaving here with him."

The man groaned annoyed and frustration,"where is the last time you saw you're friend."

"Here, a few moments ago." River said.

"He wouldn't happen to be wear a black shirt hanging around people with black clothes would he?"


"Well, I'm sorry. He's dead."

"Don't say that. He hasn't done anything wrong so they won't kill me." River said trying to convince himself.

"What did you say your name was?" He asked.

River's eyes widen,"No one."she said nervously suspecting he might be one of the volturi.

"Come with me." He said before he pulled her.

River whimpered before she let him pull her. She couldn't see his face but he had a strong, soothing voice. She didn't know why it came so easy to do what he said.

In the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar bronze hair walking through the dark, shaded shadows. She only knew one person who owned it. River left the strange man and started ran towards him,"Edward."

"Wait!" The man whispered before placing a hand her mouth and covered her mouth,"if you shut like that. You're going to draw attention to us."

"He's right there." River removed his hand.

The man turned his face to Edward and noticed his pale complexion and his unusual black eyes,"That's not your friend. He's one of them."

River frowned,"you know what they are?"

"Tourists go missing around here. During this time of the year. More people go missing." He explained.

"Who are you?" River asked.

"Someone who can help you." He walked closer to her removing his hood,"come with me." He offered his hand.

River took a moment to study him. He was teenage boy, a few years old by the looks, he had dirty blonde hair, blue and green eyes, full thin pink lips, strong jawline and sharp features. By his rosy cheeks and his green eyes, she could tell he was not a vampire which means he's not part of the volturi."I need to get to him before he does something stupid." River said before she turned to walk away.

He curse under his breath before he placed his fingers on his earpiece,"I'll be right there." He whispered before he looked at River,"I guess I'll be seeing you, maybe then you can tell me your name....Be careful." He said before he ran the other side.

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