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Ever since River left Forks she felt like something is always behind her, someone following her. Everytime and every single moment she felt like she has to look over her shoulder.

She thought maybe it was Victoria but why would she be stocking her. It stopped when she reached the border and left Forks.

River stepped out her car and slammed her door shut,"home." She said. She looked at her childhood home in Alaska. It was empty as she walked in. This was the last place Katherine was ever seen. It was a good place to start.

Not far from the house was the Denali's house. She always thought when they left, they might have came back to Alaska. But that house was empty. When she went to her cousin's aunt house. Its where she found them.

When she saw them seating around the living room. Some watching TV and some talking. She noticed Edward and Alice went there. She noticed she felt nothing, empty as ever. Not angry, not sadness. She simply felt nothing.

River dialed a number on her phone and placed it on her ear as it rang.


"Aunt Kate?"


"Shh, don't say my name. They will hear you." River said whispered as continued to watch them.

"It's good to hear your voice again." Kate left the others to be alone.

River watched her through the window,"you too."

"Where are you?" Kate asked.

"Outside." River answered truthfully.

"What? Where?" Kate looked around outside.

"That's not important. I just wanted to see all of you, for the last time." River said.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going away for a while."

"Stop being silly and come inside."

"Please Kate."

"They've missed you." Kate said.


"Yes. Please come inside."

"I'm sorry. I have to go. I just wanted to hear your voice. Bye Kate." River said before she hung up.

"River?" Kate said.

"Was that River, give me the phone." Rosalie said,"River."

"She hung up." Kate said.

"What did she say?" Emmett asked.

"She was going away for a while?"

"Where?" Esme asked.

"She didn't say."


River closed her eyes, sighing before she turned around and left. River ran to the forest opposite to Denali. She touched the tree opposite to her house.

She saw a woman with black long, straight hair carrying something in her arms. It was Katherine carrying baby River in her arms up the stairs and knocked on the door. River noticed how she kept looking behind her, like someone was following her. Suddenly Carlisle opened the door and hugged Katherine.

River frowned,"why did she keep looking behind her? Was someone chasing her?" She asked herself as she looked behind her.

She followed a line of trees that was around until she arrived at a gas station nearby. She went deeper into the forest until she reached a river. It was a calm, dark blue clear. The river reflected her very blue eyes.

Something from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She hesitantly looked to the side. Whatever it was she couldn't see it but she felt something there. River stared at it for a while, she almost felt compelled to step forward but before she could her phone rang again in her back pocket jean, she reached out to grab it and placed it on her ear without seeing the dialer,"I was just about call. I promise." She answered thinking was Charlie.

"River." A voice she hasn't heard for a long while,"River." It said again,"River, I know you're there and I know you can hear me."

River's eyes widen in surprised as she was debating on whether she should respond or just hang up.

"Please say something." The dialer said,"I can hear you breathing."

River's face becomes dark and emotionlessly," Alice?" River said coldly.

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