Chapter 4

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The boys were still playing Xbox, so I decided to hang out on the deck taking some time for myself. Kara would be over later before we all hang out tonight. The beach house is actually amazing, and I can't believe Harry's parents let him just stay here all summer. The deck stretched along the whole back of the house with sun lounges looking out over the ocean through a glass balustrade. It wasn't huge inside but had 5 bedrooms upstairs and a large open plan kitchen, living and dining area. The only ones actually staying here were Harry, Tyler, and me, but Jason pretty much wouldn't go home no matter how many times he was reminded, and Mason spent a fair bit of time here too.

I was lying with my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my skin, when I felt the warmth disappear. Opening my eyes, I was almost shocked to see Tyler standing directly in my sunlight looking down at me.

"You're blocking the sun," I said, still annoyed at the way he walked into the bathroom this morning.

"So, your staying here for a bit my cousin tells me," he said, ignoring my comment.

I looked up at him, "Yeah, I assume that won't be a problem? As long as we all learn to knock on the bathroom door."

He shrugged, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up, "You don't mind?" mimicking him, I shrugged back in response. 

"So is your staying here anything to do with that bruise?" Oh wow, this guy really is arrogant. Deny, deny, deny Kayla. 

"I don't know what your talking about." 

He raised his eyebrows then turned away from me towards the ocean view. I got up to stand next to him, "So why are you staying here?" I asked. If he is going to be forward, then so am I.  

"I don't know what your talking about." He replied in the same tone that I had given him moments ago. 

I laughed at that, "touché". That made him grin slightly. I then surprised him by reaching for his cigarette, he looked at me, raising one eyebrow as I took a puff. I don't usually smoke, I know, it's bad for me and all, but right now my head is all over the place, it was there in front of me, being the good girl I have always been isn't really working out for me.

"You smoke?" he asked. "It isn't good for you, you know"

"I'm full of surprises." That was the end of our conversation as we stood sharing a cigarette in silence until I heard Mason calling us, pizza had arrived.

It had been nearly a week days since I arrived at Harry's beach house. Jason finally went home, Kara was in and out visiting me and seeing her latest fling. I still hadn't told her the reasons why I was staying here, and I knew it was getting to her. A few times I walked into a room to find her and Mason talking, then quickly hush as I approached. No doubt they were talking about me. Tyler and I hadn't spoken much since that first day either. The guys spent most of their time surfing or playing Xbox which meant I got to have plenty of alone time.

I was eating my breakfast as Harry entered the kitchen, pouring himself some coffee he turned to me, "Kay! Party here tonight. Do you mind going to the store with Tyler?"

"Mmm, sure. Write me a list. Tell Tyler I'll be ready in 5." I said, rushing upstairs to brush my teeth. I took a quick look at my reflection, wearing a cute summer dress and swept my hair up into a ponytail. I sighed, knowing that the cute blonde people saw on the outside wasn't how I felt inside still. At least the bruise had finally started to fade away. Turning from my reflection, I headed downstairs to join Tyler. "He's already in the car, here's the list" Harry said as I descended the stairs.

Opening the car door, Tyler looked less than impressed to be sent to the store. I'm sure it wasn't me, more just in general having to actually do something.

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