Chapter 27

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Before we left the house, Tyler wanted to show me his bedroom. It was like seeing a new side of him. His room at the beach house wasn't yet his own. It had no personal touches.

His room was small, he had a single bed and surrounding the walls were a mix of surfing posters, photos with his friends and a couple of Marvel posters that he said were from his pre-teen years, but he just never took them down. The whole room was like he hadn't left, it was just stuck in time. He had of course taken most of his clothes, but I suggested he take some photo's too so he could make his new room more homely.

Now we were back at the motel, while he was in the bathroom, I took a look at the photos. I was trying to put faces to names before I met them later on. It had been such an emotional day and I really hoped that seeing his friends would make Tyler feel better and not even worse.

"What you looking at?" He asked, walking over to the bed, laying down and pulling me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm just trying to put names to faces" I explained "You look so happy with them"

"I was happy, I am now with you too. Some days are just harder" he said, kissing my head and taking the photo from my hand.

"This one here, is Daniel and the girl he has his arm around is Caitlin. The one with the glasses is Shaun and Natasha is next to me" he explained the photo.

"She's pretty. She's also very clearly into you, you can see it in the way she looks at you"

"She's my past. I'm here with you and I wouldn't have it any other way" he said reassuringly.

Just from these photo's I had a feeling meeting Natasha wasn't going to go down very well. Tyler can't see it, but I can. She was very obviously in love with him even if he didn't feel that way. We would see later, but I had a feeling her mother was just the pre-game entertainment.

"How are you honestly feeling after today?" I asked as I lay back into his chest, playing with his fingers.

I heard Tyler sigh, "It was hard, really fucking hard being there. But I think I needed it. I think I should see her when we get back, some sort of closure you know."

I sat up, turning to look at him, "Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I've been pushing it all aside and that won't help in the long run. I need to start to deal with everything head on. Plus, I know you will be by my side the whole time and with you by my side, I can do it."

"I'm proud of you Ty" I said softly, he shrugged like it wasn't a huge deal.

"Now, I think it's time you distract me from all the shit from today" he said, pulling me closer. I took the hint and moved so I was now straddling his lap.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked innocently, moving forward, and kissing his neck.

"Definitely some of that, maybe a few less clothes" he said huskily, pulling my t-shirt over my head as he said it.

I swear the temperature in the room went up as our lips met. We kissed with a new hunger for each other, like we could kiss away the emotion from the day. Tyler's hands quickly moving over my body, every touch making me want him more and more. He undid my bra, pulling it away and gripped my breasts harder than normal making me gasp and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

The way Tyler groped my breasts with such want and need was turning me on more than usual as he squeezed my bud between his fingertips, I could feel him harden below me. His mouth moved from mine, down my neck and then taking my left breast, making me moan. As his mouth worked wonders on me, I felt myself getting wetter and my want for him increasing. I moved my hips, grinding over his rock hard length, making him groan.

"Kayla, you are playing with fire there, baby" he groaned out.

"Mmmm, maybe you should show me just what I'm doing to you?" I suggested, craving more of his touch.

He flipped me off him, now with him on top, he removed his shirt, then kissed his way down my body, when at my waistband he undid the buttons of my shorts, pulling them off. He came back up to my head, towering his body over the top of me kissing me again, but his hands moving all over my body, my breasts, stomach and then my thighs. I craved for him to touch me, to stop teasing. He sensed it, moving his hand up and pushing my legs apart slightly. I took the hint and spread my legs more for him. Roughly, he ran his thumb over the top of my panties, make me moan from the pressure he used. He then pushed the material to the side, feeling my wet folds before inserting a finger in me. Slowly he pumped in and out, moving his mouth from mine, along my jaw to my ear.

"Kayla, I want to taste you, is that ok?" he asked my permission.

I nodded as I let out a small whimper at what his fingers were already doing to me. Before I knew it, he had hooked his fingers around the waistband and removed my panties. I looked down to see Tyler move his head between my legs, then felt his tongue on me.

Is this what being high is like? 

Everything inside of me tingled as he flicked his tongue over my clit, then ran it up and down, before plunging inside of me. I had never felt anything this good and it didn't take long for my body to start to writhe from his glorious tongue. He could tell what he was doing to me, and held my legs still, only making it more pleasurable. He used his fingers inside of me, while his tongue worked my clit and took my body to new heights. I moaned, loudly as my body erupted with an orgasm like nothing I had experienced before.

"Good baby?" Tyler asked me as he lay back next to me, kissing my neck while I regained my regular breathing.

"Mmmm" was all I could reply as I turned my head to him, taking his lips again, my hands running along his torso. I could never get enough of running my fingers over his bare skin.

"Ty, did you bring any condoms?" I asked softly, pulling away from him slightly.

"Ah, no. I thought about it, but I didn't want you to think I expected anything if I did bring them" he explained, somewhat sheepishly.

"I understand, we can wait, I just want you to know that I want to..." I trailed off.

"I already told you that we go at your pace, Kayla" he said seriously, looking me in the eye. I nodded, pecking him on the lips, slightly disappointed that the mood had slightly died with talk of protection.

"I should probably grab a shower before we head out" I said reluctantly, as I would much rather stay here all night than meet the ex-girlfriend who I was convinced was going to be an issue for me.

"You're right. I might go grab us some burgers for dinner while you shower, we can eat before we leave" Tyler said, already sitting up from the bed looking for his shirt.

I made my way to the bathroom as he was searching for his wallet and phone, I stopped at the bathroom door, turning back to him.

"Maybe you should make a stop at the pharmacy too, just in case you get lucky tonight" I winked at him, seeing his mouth open slightly in shock before a sly smile took over his face and I closed the bathroom door. 

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