•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•)...


I wince and lift my hand to my left eye. The aftermath of that dream seemed to still have an affect on me even though I woke up. I let my hand go and look up at Kakashi Sensai.

"Do not worry Y/N, you will be ok, trust me."


Today was not really all that fun to me. We had breakfast as usual as I would take small glances to Sasuke every once in a while. I still can't believe I attached myself to him like that. I complain about fangirls yet it seemed as if I was one! Ughhhh what is happening to meeee. Anyways, we had also met Tsunami's son, Inari. He was very interesting....in a way. He bursted out at the breakfast table about how we will just die and that we will not get anywhere trying to act like the 'hero.'

Naruto seemed to have had enough and exploded at Inari, calling him a crybaby and stuff. I mean I was agitated too, both me and Naruto didn't have any parents...they died before we even had the chance to get to know them. That seemed to be all that happened throughout the day besides the constant arguing between Naruto and Sasuke. I swear it is like they are out for one anothers blood or something, it gets annoying. 

Night time had finally come around and I was nervous to go back to sleep...what if that man appears again? As I laid down I couldn't help but start to tear up at the thought. It was scary...what I saw last night...

"Y/N." I turn around and face the direction my voice was called. My teary eyes meet Sasukes as he moves his futon closer to mine and lays down, facing me again. We stare at each other and I take the time to finally study his features. I never really payed attention to his face besides his eyes and famous hair. I never really realized how pale his skin was and how smooth it was. 

It didn't have a speck of acne on his soft baby skin. I feel a blush come up to the surface of my cheeks so I cover it with my H/C hair. His facial expression never changed as he stared back at me. The expression of calmness and curiosity was written all over his features. 

"Just go to sleep Y/N, I will be here to wake you up if you have another...nightmare."

I smiled at Sasuke and softly giggle at his remark earning me a light blush from him. I have never seen this side of Sasuke before since he would always go back and forth, from someone who is concerned and then to someone who doesn't care. I just want to enjoy this moment with him before he goes back to his usual heartless self. I slowly close my eyes and let my hand go out to be able to receive some air.

"Goodnight Sasuke." I sluggishly say falling into sleep. I feel warmth around my soft fingers as another pair interlock with them.

"You too Y/N."


My eyes sting a little as the sun shines through the window, lighting the whole room. I had another dream last night but I do not remember what it was about or what I was doing but I do remember one thing. Sasuke. He was in my dream, why was he in one of my dreams? I shake the tingling feeing building up my back and rub my eyes, yawning afterwards. I then look to my left to say good morning to see the whole gang gone...well besides Naruto, who was fast asleep on his futon and in what would seem to be the most uncomfortable position, but I didn't bother to wake him up. I get up get ready before leaving to the kitchen where I found Tsunami. She had told me that Kakashi Sensei, Sasuke, and Sakura left not too long ago to go to the bridge.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now