•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


However, when I turned around I realized that she wasn't behind me anymore. I forgot that she didn't only intend to just come after me...but Sasuke too. I watch as the woman continues to stretch her neck at Sasuke and I freeze in place. So many thoughts race through my mind with different solutions to get him out of the way but nothing reasonable came up, except for one. I felt like I had no other choice. I had to use it but it was only to protect him....

I feel my heart beat faster as I close my eyes and feel tears run down my soft yet chapped cheeks. I take a deep breath and focus on my target. Please don't hate me Sasuke.



I dash and speed in between Sasuke and the stranger, making her back up quickly as I take out my wakizashi and try to slice her. I obviously miss but I stand my ground and watch as she starts to giggle at my appearance.

"Oh Y/N, did I hit a nerve? Is he really that important to you?" She hisses out and exposes her extremely long and slimy tongue. I swallow back down the rest of my lunch and focus on the long necked creature, ignoring her question. To my surprise she lowers down to the floor, staring at me and at Sasuke behind me. Studying both of our red eyes and quickly laughing at the sight of two Sharingan users.

"My my, how can I ever go against two users of the Sharingan?"

I freeze as I feel the boy behind me shake slightly and tense up.

'NO NO NO NO!' I panic and feel a hand on the back of my shoulder, pulling me to turn around.

"Y-Y/N..?" I turn my head and lock eyes with Sasuke. Red eyes to red eyes. Sharingan to Sharingan. I watch Sasuke's mouth open slightly and his eyes widen in shock but it only seemed as if we made eye contact for only a mere second before my eyes sense a disturbance to the right of my face. I break contact with Sasuke and instead swing my wakizashi between the woman's mouth, preventing her from being able to bit into my S/C skin. I struggle as the crazed woman pushes harder and harder, making me feel slightly off balanced on my feet.

I try my best to push back but then she wraps her tongue around my blade, despite the bleeding and damage it did to her, and threw me up. She swings her tongue and throws me into a tree, the impact causing the air to be knocked out of me. I fall forward with a hard 'thud' but manage to get back on my feet, facing this...creature. I watch her snake back to her body and bite her tongue, throwing it to the floor.

'A summoning jutsu.' A huge puff of smoke emerges and as if she wasn't bad enough, a giant snake appeared before us. It opened its mouth and charged for us but we both mange to jump out of the way in time. The snake tries to go for another hit but is stopped when four shurikens make their way in the side of its face. I look to where they came from. Of course, the heroes always arrive late.

"Hey Sasuke! I forgot the password!" Naruto calls out, smiling down at the both of us. When his eyes meet mine I can tell how confused he is. I look away quickly and watch as Naruto tries to fend off from the snake but in the end, fails. Sasuke gradually stands up and takes out their scroll. No, he wouldn't..would he?

"Here, if I give you this would you leave us alone? Take it and go!" I am flabbergasted by his words, I never thought of Sasuke the one to give up like this...Is he really that terrified of her..? Naruto runs and punches Sasuke across the branch and takes the scroll into his arms.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now