•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


"That is enough Y/N, you did enough. You need medical attention." I look up at his onyx eyes, feeling mine return to their normal E/C color.

"S-Sasuke..?" I watch him smile down at me and pick me up, jumping up to hokage knows where, I was too out of it to pay attention. My eyes begin to close out of exhaustion and the last thing I see is Sasuke, carrying me to the medical center below the arena.

"You did good Y/N."


I wake up at the sounds of distant whispering across from me. I lift the upper part of my body but wince at the slight pain in my right arm. Oh right...I forgot about my chunin exam battle. I shuffle around and gain the attention of the two that were talking.

"Y/N, you're awake." 

"Neji?" I look at the girl next to him and wave my hello at Tenten. She smiles in reply and turn back to Neji, stating that she should get going. He nods and she ends up leaving the room in a hurry for some reason. I move my legs and sit on the side of my bed, watching a nurse make her way over to me and start to inspect my arm.

"Thankfully your arm is back to normal but you might experience some pain in your muscle but that is normal. Thanks to our medical jutsu, the burns and raw skin have been regenerated."

"Thank you ma'am." She happily nods her head and leaves the room, making sure to close the door quietly behind her. I bow my head down and replay the results of my battle in my head. That battle was intense, more intense than I had hoped for...

"Y/N." I hum in reply and look up at Neji. I smile and hop of my bed to make my way over the Neji's bed that was sitting near the window. He was also sat up and watched me as I made my way over to him with ease.

"Are you okay, from what Tenten told me. It looked pretty bad." I laugh slightly a Neji's look of concern and shake my head lightly at his comment.

"Nah, I am fine. I wasn't as bad as I thought it was, just some pain from some of the muscle being torn." Neji nods at my response and looks back out the window, something obviously on his mind. I wonder what he must be thinking, being beat by my brother Naruto who he assumed was weak. I decide to change direction of the conversation, trying not to make the boy think too hard on his loss.

"How is Hinata after the preliminaries? I haven't had time to see her since I have been training..." Neji turns his head as his soft lavender eyes graze over my appearance.

"She is fine, has been training since her loss." My eyes soften from his statement. She trains hard everyday anyways, she deserves a lot more than what her father gives her. I have seen the way he acts differently towards the two and I didn't like it at all. Note that I didn't dislike Neji or anything like that, I just didn't agree with the amount of attention Hinata was getting.

"I know what you are thinking, Y/N." I yip out as Neji gives me a stern yet calm look, strands of his long brown hair falling to the sides of his face. I was always jealous of his hair, how can a guy get his hair to look so nice and healthy like that!? His hair is literally as soft as a pillow, it isn't fair. My own thoughts were interrupted by Neji continuing our conversation.

"Her father only pushes her so she can get to her full potential, it doesn't have anything to do with not loving her." I huff out sarcastically and take a sharp inhale.

"You don't know that Neji, I have heard some of the things he has said to her..."

There was a long silence that followed from what I had said. He knew I was right, I always am. Hinata was treated differently since she was little, always seen as weak. In my opinion, they just haven't seen what she can do and when they do, they will regret everything they have said about her. As Naruto would say, Believe it!

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now