Chapter 10

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TW: mention of arson/burning alive

The seven of us sit around the small table on the jet, case files open and pictures spread out in front of us. Garcia's face appears on the laptop at the end of the table. Gideon, Hotch, Elle, and JJ are sitting in the chairs. Morgan leans on the back of Elle's seat while I sit on the arm of the couch, Reid beside me on the cushions.

"Okay, team! So, we've got one victim, Matt Cromwell, he... well, you guys have the pictures. His roommate, Kyle, managed to get away with some second degree burns. Their dorm room was destroyed but the fire was put out before spreading throughout the building."

"There's hardly anything left of his body," JJ mumbles to herself.

Burned alive. Not a good way to go.

"We know this was a targeted attack on Matt. What was his social life like Garcia?" Hotch turns towards the computer.

"Jock life, as far as I can tell. Athlete, likable, got along with most people. I wouldn't say everyone was his best friend but he had no obvious enemies."

"When we land we need to talk to the roommate, see if he can think of anyone that would want to do this," Morgan says.

"And we need to look at the scene. The chemicals found on Matt's body are highly flammable. They don't just sell them at the gas station," I point out.

Hotch starts giving instructions. "Reid, Gideon, go to the ME. Find out what chemicals were used and work with Garcia to find where our unsub might've gotten his hands on them. JJ and I will set up with the local PD on campus. Morgan, go talk to Kyle at the hospital. Greenaway and D'angelo, I want you two to go to the scene and then interview students on campus. Find out what you can about Matt and see if anything stands out."

I nod before standing up and finding a seat at the back of the plane. Elle follows and sits across from me, the file open on the small table between us.

I speak first. "We'll start at the dorm room. See how the fire started—

"And ask around. Maybe someone saw the unsub leaving the scene."

I look across at her with a sideways smile on my face.

"What?" she asks as she notices my expression.

"Nothing." I see her eyebrows raise. "You just... fit. With the team, I mean." I add hurriedly.

I look back down at the file, willing the blush to stay out of my cheeks.

"I'm glad I'm here."

I look back up to find her piercing eyes looking directly into mine. "Me too."

We spend the rest of the short flight talking back and forth about the case. It's just so... easy. Easy to talk, easy to understand. She's like a sounding board, listening intently to everything I have to say, then taking it a step further. I'm almost disappointed when we land until I remember that she'll be right beside me these next few days. The thought leaves my head spinning and I don't know why. All I know is I want to be near her. Close enough to be reminded of the smell of her skin.

I pull myself back to reality as we touch down, the lurch sending me back in my seat. Elle never put her seat belt on and slides forwards, her hands reaching to steady herself against the table. My left hand is resting on the surface and I look from the window back to her as she grips my fingers tightly, being careful to avoid my injury from last week. She quickly realizes what she's doing and lets go, leaning back into her seat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to–"

"Bad flier?" I interrupt to save her from explaining.

"No, I'm used to it, just forgot about the seatbelt." Her eyes meet mine once again. "I was just... distracted." I can't quite place the look on her face.

"Guys, let's go," Morgan calls back to us.

"Coming." Elle responds without breaking eye contact. After a moment that feels as if I'm frozen, I break out of the trance. I gather the file and stand up, Elle following me off the plane.


We pull up to the campus in our SUVs. Gideon takes the lead before walking into the main building. Hotch and JJ are next to him while I stand at the top of the short stairs with Elle to my right, Morgan on my left, and Reid on the other side of Morgan.

"Remember, we don't want to give the unsub the satisfaction of knowing he caught the attention of the FBI. No badges. Try not to look official." Gideon sighs as he turns to look at us.

I look around at my team, Hotch in a full suit and tie, JJ in a simple grey dress beside him. Morgan wears dark dress pants and a grey blazer, Elle wears a blazer and skirt, and me in a black suit, my hair loose around my shoulders. Not to mention the sunglasses on Morgan, Hotch, and Elle. And of course, Reid looks like a college student with his sweater vest and book bag.

"Try to look less official." Gideon turns and enters the building with Hotch and JJ right behind him. Elle and I share a glance. I smirk, drawing my hands up to her face. I pull the sunglasses off her nose and my heart skips a beat as I look into the intensity of her dark eyes. I fold the glasses and put them in my pocket, winking at her playfully before following Reid and Morgan through the door.


A few hours later we're standing outside the entrance to Matt Cromwell's dormitory.

"After you," I say to Elle, gesturing towards the doorway. We enter the building and meet the Dean of Students in the lobby. We introduce ourselves without our badges, but I still notice more than a few students glance our way.

There is a group of four guys in the corner of the lounge, standing around a table and watching me and Elle. They're seniors, two have letterman jackets while another has a "Class of 06" sticker on his laptop. (A/n: Yes, this technically takes place in 2005)

"Agents, it's good to meet you. Go right on up to the fourth floor, it's room 438. The hall has been closed to students and faculty," the Dean tells us.

One of the guys in the corner makes eye contact with me. I watch his eyes move up and down my body before he tips his chin up, nodding in greeting, a cocky grin on his face. I wink back at him and watch the color rise in his cheeks.

Elle elbows me in the side without turning her attention from the Dean. "Thank you," she fake smiles.

"Let me know if you need anything," he says to us as we walk towards the elevators.

"What was that?" she asks once we're out of ear shot. Her voice is laced with an emotion I can't figure out.

I press the up button for the elevator. "What was what?" I smile as she rolls her eyes.

"We're working a case. You need to be professional." She presses the button for the fourth floor as we enter the elevator.

Wait. That underlying emotion. Is she jealous? That I winked at some kid? "Just having a little fun," I say casually. Then I smile. "Besides, you wouldn't like me if I was professional all the time. Or maybe you just want your sunglasses back?"

I manage to get a small smile out of her as the elevator begins to travel upward. We ride in silence, but her shoulders relax and I can tell any trace of annoyance is gone.

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