Chapter 68

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I lean back in my chair with my feet up on my desk and a pen twirling in my fingers. My eyes stare off at the ceiling. I'm still riding waves of euphoria.

Elle. I... damn. I love her.

We spent the weekend together. I can't understand how she can make me feel like this. Like I won the lottery. But I guess I did.

Now that Hotch knows, I'm sure the team isn't far behind. And I didn't realize how much it was weighing us down.

Saturday night, she had no trouble falling asleep. By the time we were done with each other she was exhausted, and being back in her own bed helped. Being back in my arms helped more.

Last night was rougher. She woke up panicking. It took me a minute to convince her she was safe. I held her until she fell asleep again.

She tried to apologize about it this morning, and I told her she had nothing to apologize for. I've been through my fair share of trauma and insomnia. There's nothing I won't do to help her.

"Morning, C," Morgan calls as he drops into his chair.

I pull my feet off the desk and bring my attention to him. "Hey," I smile.

"You're in a good mood," he returns the grin.

"Really? Hadn't noticed," I joke.

"How's Elle?"

"She's good," I reply shortly. I know he knows, and wait for him to say something.

It won't be now, though. "Good."


About an hour later JJ enters the bullpen. "Hey, C, Garcia needs you in her office," she tells me.

"What for?" I ask as I stand.

"She didn't say." I notice JJ trying to hide a smile.

Eyeing her curiously, I walk past her to Garcia's office. I close the door behind me when I enter.

"Hey, PG, what's up?"

Garcia spins towards me in her chair, a smile on her face. "Hi," she grins.

I smile back. "Can I help you?"

"You can help me." I turn to find Morgan standing in the corner of the room.

I smirk. "What, are you hiding?"

"Dramatic effect." He walks over and stands beside Garcia, whose smile has only grown wider.

"What do you need?"

Morgan crosses his arms over his chest, his lips turned up at the corners in a smile. "Conformation."

I look between him and Garcia, trying to hide a smile of my own. "Confirmed."

Morgan nods, trying to play it cool. "Nice."

Garcia, however, didn't get the memo. She jumps out of her seat. "Yes! I knew it! I knew it!" She runs to me and pulls me into a giant bearhug. I laugh as I return the embrace.

"I knew it!" she shouts again.

"Is that all you needed?" I laugh as Penelope nods furiously. "Okay, I'm going back to work now, PG."

"Okay. That's a good idea." Garcia can't wipe the grin off her face.

Morgan chuckles and follows me out the office. We walk side by side.

"I like it. You and her? It's good. It's... right," he says as we enter the bullpen.

"Thanks, Derek."

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