Chapter 31

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TW: violence

I move the moment he speaks. My hands go to his, pushing his arm towards the ceiling. Riley screams as the bullet sails above her head. I twist his wrist into a lock and elbow him in the ribs to create some distance before I kick him in the chest. He's pushed backwards, the gun falling to the floor. I kick it to the side of the room as I spin to face him.

"You'll regret that," he growls.

"Funny." I tilt my head to the side in mock amusement. "I was going to say the same thing."

He charges, his hammer raised high above his head. He clearly doesn't know what he's doing. I side step at the last second, using his momentum against him as I flip him over my back. He hits the ground hard and I kick him in the head. He lays still. I take the hammer from his hands.

I step over him and cross the room towards Riley. I use the hammer to break the cuffs, smashing the chain. She rips the gag from her mouth.

I put a hand on each of her shoulders. "Are you okay?"

Her eyes widen as something over my shoulder. "Carli!" she shouts.

I push her backwards and out of the way as Ian swings towards me with a broken beer bottle he found on the floor. I fall to one knee, the glass slicing into my cheek. I glare at him and stand as he moves to hit me again.

Prepared, I block the strike easily and yank him towards me by his collar, planting a short right hook onto his temple. He falls to the ground as his legs crumple beneath him. Not taking any chances this time, I lift his chest by his shirt and punch his head back into the concrete. His body goes limp as he slumps to the floor, unconscious. Breathing heavy, I rush back to Riley.

"Come on, I'm getting you out of here."

I drag her towards the door, grabbing my gun from the floor and securing it on my hip. I take my flashlight from my pocket and click it on. The batteries are dead. Great. I round the corner with Riley on my heels and we run straight into Elle.

"Carli!" Before I can process what's happening, she pulls me into a hug. I sink into her arms as the adrenaline coursing through me flickers out. A familiar wave of vanilla and lavender hits me as she holds one hand against the back of my head. I let go when I remember Riley stands behind me.

"I'm okay, Elle." I force a small smile. "The unsub is through the door on the left. I need to get Riley out of here." I take Riley's hand again.

"Send SWAT down, I'll meet you up there," she agrees, briefly glancing at Riley's hand in mine.

We continue through the dark hallways, an uneasy feeling in my gut. I shouldn't have left her down there alone.

Finally, we reach the first floor. The team and SWAT regroup outside. I jog over to them, Riley behind me. "He's in the basement. Follow the hall, take a left, the room with the green light. Elle's down there, he's unconscious."

Hotch shouts numerous orders, SWAT heading back into the building with him and Morgan.

"Hey, you alright?" Reid approaches us. "You must be Riley."

She just nods, still shaken up. I cup her face in my hands. "Riley? You're safe now. We won't let anything happen to you."

"You–you saved my life," she stumbles over her words.

I give her a sad smile. "Got to repay those favors, right?"

She finally smiles, tears brimming in her eyes.

My voice softens. "This is Spencer, he's going to take you to the ambulance. I have to help here but I'll come find you after, okay?"

She nods again and I hug her tightly. "I'll be back," I speak into her hair. She smells completely different from Elle, like sandalwood and cedar. Like a hike through a damp forest.

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