Chapter 71

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I hear the door open and close, signaling Elle's return home. I descend the stairs and meet her in the hallway. She hasn't moved.

"How'd it go?" She just had her fifth therapy session. She usually doesn't tell me much about them.

When she doesn't answer, I step closer to her. I bring one hand up to her cheek but she pulls away. Her bag slumps to the floor and she leaves it there. She won't look me in the eye.


Again, she doesn't respond. I open my arms, gesturing for her to make the first move. She does as she collapses into me. I embrace her tightly, her hands gripping my shirt.

I can't tell if she's gotten better or worse these past few weeks. And it scares me.

After a moment she steps away and pulls off her jacket, hanging it on the hook near the door.

"I was about to start dinner, is there anything you need?"

She shakes her head. "I'm okay. And I'll be fine with just a sandwich."

"You sure?"

She nods, stepping past me. My concern only grows. She hasn't been sleeping, hardly eating. She won't talk to me anymore about the therapy sessions, about how she's feeling. She's pulling away.

I try to push the thoughts aside. She's going through hell. My job is to be there for her, however she needs it. I head to the kitchen and make two sandwiches.

She's sitting on the couch, a book in her lap. She spends most of her time reading. It's easier to forget everything when she's in a different story. I place the sandwich on the coffee table in front of her and head to the counter to eat mine. I flip open a case file to work on as I eat, but I hardly pay it any attention.

When I'm done I clear the counter and check on Elle. She hasn't touched her food.

"You should eat."

"Not hungry."


"I said I'm fine, Carli," she snaps.

I sigh, shifting my gaze down. I pick up the plate and carry it to the fridge. Maybe she'll have it later.

I return to the couch, sitting at the other end. She glances over her book and I give a small smile. She ignores me and goes back to reading.

Fifteen minutes later she glances up again. "What are you doing?"

I glance up at her. "Sitting."

"I told you I'm fine." She sounds annoyed.

"You're not fine, Elle," I sigh.

"You can't tell me how I feel."

"That's not what I'm doing."

"That's what it sounds like," she snaps.

I scoot closer to her on the couch. "I'm just worried about you," I say softly.

"Don't be."

"Give me a reason not to be."

Elle closes her book. "Look, Carli, just because you blame yourself for what happened doesn't mean you're responsible for me getting better."

I look into her eyes and I know she can see the hurt in mine. "That's not fair."

"None of this is fair!" She slams her book down on the coffee table, making me flinch.

"Well maybe you'd actually start getting better if you stopped pushing me away," I say coldly. I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. Elle looks at me, hurt. She stands and pushes past me.

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