Chapter 48

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The week goes by in a blur of cold weather and Christmas music and her arms wrapped around me. When she ran out of clothes we switched to her apartment. She hasn't left my side and I never want her to.

I'm laying on her couch now, her body in between my legs and her head on my stomach. She holds a book in her hands and reads silently. My left hand rests on her abs, my right playing with her hair. I could sit like this for hours, watching the way she turns a page, her stomach rising against my palm as she breathes.

Unfortunately, we can't stay here forever. We're supposed to be at Garcia's in an hour, and we're nowhere near ready. She's wearing her Yankees t-shirt over a pair of light pink underwear, the necklace I gave her around her neck. I'm in sweatpants and a thin tank-top. I didn't bother to put a bra on underneath.

I wait for her to finish the chapter before nudging her with my legs.

"We should start getting ready to go," I whisper into her ear.

She puts the book on the coffee table beside her, then takes her hands and runs them up my legs. She tilts her head back against my stomach.

"Do you really want me to move, Carli?" she teases as she squeezes my thighs in her hands.

I smile and sit up, wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her into my lap. She melts into my touch as I trail kisses down her neck.

"Sadly, the world goes on outside these walls," I mutter into her skin, my lips brushing across her neck.

"Shame," she whispers, wrapping my arms tighter around her.

After another few minutes I pull my lips away, loosening my grip. She slides off of me, turning around to offer me a hand. I take it and she helps me to my feet so we're standing face to face.

She yawns. I give her a small smile. "Tired?"

She rolls her eyes playfully. "I wonder why."

I laugh and she kisses me softly. We fell asleep late last night, exhausted. But truthfully, neither of us wanted to stop.

She breaks away and we both head to the bedroom to change. I take a black plaid skirt and red sweater from my bag, stripping off my sweatpants and tank top. I'm standing in my underwear when Elle comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I roll into her and hug my hands against the back of her neck.

"What if we didn't go?" she wonders as we sway back and forth. My bare chest presses against her.

"I don't think Garcia would ever forgive us," I respond with a smile.

She laughs softly, rubbing her hands across my ribs. "Yeah, you're right."

She lets me go so I can finish getting dressed and heads back to her closet to do the same. She grabs a dark green sweater dress from a hanger.

I sit on the bed and watch her, the way her hips curve, her shoulder blades shifting as she pulls the dress over her head. She's beautiful, every inch of her.

We only have Elle's car, so we decide to go together. If they notice we'll say we carpooled.

At the door, I take my new leather jacket off the coat rack and pull my arms through the sleeves. Elle watches me as she puts her own coat on.

"It looks good on you," she comments.

"You have good taste." I draw her into me by hooking my hands in her pockets. She puts her hands on my chest between us as I kiss her.

She breaks away after a moment. "Come on, we shouldn't be late."

"I know." I give her another quick peck before reaching past her. I grab the six pack of beer and the box of black and white cookies sitting on the table near the door. Garcia asked us to bring them.

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