Chapter 42

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I try not to touch her. Not because I don't want to, but because this morning was close. Too close. If they found out... I don't know what would happen. Nothing good. Especially with it being so new. We need to tell them someday. But not today.

We keep our conversation strictly professional. Well, mostly professional. I can't help it; she's my best friend, and best friends don't talk like coworkers, whether or not they're sleeping together. Just look at Morgan and Garcia.

But we make sure not to touch each other, not to stare. Which is much harder than I thought it would be. I watch her all the time, I realize. The way she reads case files, how she sits, how she taps her fingers on her knee.

I know she finds it just as frustrating as I do. Now that we've admitted how we feel to each other it's hard to hide it from everyone else. But the cage has gotten bigger because now she's there, too. I'm not alone in this.

Currently the two of us walk through the woods with a local. We've arranged search parties to find the girl that went missing when the kill happened.

"Hi, the name's Henry," the man introduces himself as we walk through the woods away from the rendezvous.

I'm staring off into the trees, case details flooding my vision, and I hardly hear him. But I do hear Elle.

"That's Carli, and I'm Elle."

"Like the letter? That's a funny name," Henry chuckles.

It's beautiful, that's what it is.

Elle shrugs. "Had it all my life."

I glance back towards them and point in a general direction. "Henry, you know these woods better than us. Mind taking the lead?" I suggest.

He smiles and happily accepts my offer. "I'd love to. Beautiful forest, you know, perfect time for a hike..."

I step back beside Elle and we follow him together. Our arms brush and I keep myself from taking her hand in mine. Every few minutes we call out for the missing girl, but don't get a reply.

"You're enjoying this too much," Elle mutters to me as her eyes search the trees cautiously.

"Come on, Manhattan, take it in," I smile. "It's a beautiful day in a beautiful forest with a beautiful woman next to me. I'm allowed a little joy in between all the murder, right?"

She fails to hide her smile, the sunlight on her face highlighting her dimples.

"Hey, you guys coming?" Henry calls back to us.

I realize he's a short distance away and we've slowed our pace. I jog over to him, Elle following. "Sorry, just got distracted," I say quickly.

"It really is a nice forest." Elle gives him a kind smile. Henry grins back and starts talking about the area again, spitting facts as fast as Reid.

Elle turns back to me as he takes off again, us close behind this time. "Think about it this way: the sooner we find her, the sooner I get to come home with you." She whispers the last part and leans in close to my ear. Her breath sends tingles across my skin.

I smile and pick up my pace. "Then what are we waiting for?"


The following night I spend alone at the hotel, falling asleep out of exhaustion only. I miss the way her curves fit into my body, her delicate hands around me, her vanilla lavender scent drifting across my senses.

When morning comes, I get ready quickly, wanting to stop by her room before meeting the team in the lobby.

I knock on her door, the sound of my knuckles on the wood echoing through the empty hallway. She opens it, already dressed and ready to go.

"I was coming to see you," she tells me as she steps into the hall and closes the door behind her.

"Guess we had the same idea," I respond with a smile. She steps in closer but I take a step back. "Not here, Elle," I give a sad warning.

She nods and together we walk along the hallway, keeping our hands away from each other.

Once we get to the elevator she presses the button and I pray no one comes down the hall. When it arrives we step inside and I anxiously press the "close door" button. She takes a step towards me just as Morgan comes running around the corner.

"Elevator!" he shouts at us.

I stick my hand in between the doors to hold them open. I hear Elle whisper beside me, "damnit, Derek."

I smile, despite the fact I'm disappointed.

"Morning, ladies." He grins. "Thanks, C."

"Yeah," I reply with a hint of sarcasm.

We talk about the case as the elevator descends. "I'm just hoping we close it today," Morgan sighs. "I had plans tonight."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Hot date?" I joke.

He chuckles. "Jealous, D'angelo?"

I glance towards Elle and laugh as the elevator reaches the first floor. "Definitely not. Enjoy the night, hot shot. I know I will." I exit the elevator first and leave Morgan smirking behind me.


We closed the case the same afternoon and Elle and I arrive at my apartment around 7:00. She hangs her jacket and holster on the hooks beside my door, dropping her bag on the floor. I bring it upstairs to the bedroom where I put my gun in its place and change into sweatpants and a black tank top. I spin around to find her at the top of the stairs, watching me.

She tilts her head sideways and passes her gaze across my body as she slowly walks towards me, unbuckling her belt.

I smirk. "I thought you'd at least want to eat first."

She rolls her eyes playfully as she strips to her underwear and reaches for her duffel, changing from her jeans to a pair of leggings. I come up behind her, wrapping my arms around her stomach.

"Better?" I whisper as we sway back and forth.

"Much," she mumbles as her hands find mine. We stand for a moment, neither of us wanting to let go.

"What do you want to order?" I ask as we walk down the stairs and back into the kitchen.

"You know that Thai place on Madison?"

I nod and toss her the phone.

"What do you want?" she calls.

"Surprise me."

She smiles and dials the number.


Twenty minutes later we're sitting at the counter finishing our dinner. She's smiling at something I said and I lean forward onto my palm, watching her watch me.

"What?" she wonders, still smiling. Her dimples deepen, her eyes sparkling. Her lips are pink and soft, inviting.

My lips part in a half smile. "Nothing. Want to watch a movie or something?"

She shakes her head. "Carli, I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." She smirks as she sees the intrigued look on my face. "Yes, you're invited."

I give her a foolish smile and she laughs.

"I'll meet you in there," I tell her. I clear the dishes and put them in the sink, and the leftovers in the fridge. I grab a hair elastic before heading to the bathroom.

She already turned the water on and stands in the shower, her hair pulled back. I smile and quickly undress, throwing my hair into a messy bun.

I slide open the glass door and step in behind her, wrapping around her waist. The warm water washes over us and she turns into me, my arms holding her tighter. She kisses me softly, her hands running across my body, butterflies exploding in my stomach.

She makes me feel like I'm flying.


ahhh fluff is fun to write
more coming
also your comments mean the world to me 🥺🥺❤️❤️tysm
anddd i'm posting a lot cause i'm trying to post the christmas/new years chapters at accurate times but we'll see lol

Blood and Battle | Criminal Minds (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon