Chapter 62

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TW: violence

I pull the trigger a fraction of a second before him. The bullet hits him in the arm, ruining his aim.

He shoots her in the gut. Elle gasps as the bullet tears into her. The force knocks her backwards into the cushions and she brings both her hands to the spread of red already staining her shirt.

I lunge forward, knocking the gun out of his hands and kicking his knee. He collapses to the ground as he clutches his right arm to his chest. I'm on top of him, my knee pressed into his spine. I put the barrel of my gun to the back of his head as I cuff him.

"If you move," I growl in his ear, "I won't hesitate."

The unsub cries, mumbling about "rules" and "consequences". I push his head into the floor as I stand. Holstering my gun, I'm at Elle's side in a split second.

"Elle. Elle, look at me," I plead. Her eyes flicker open and she brings a bloodied palm to my cheek. I take it and return it to her wound. I rip off my jacket and press it to her stomach, trying to counter the blood loss.

She won't stop bleeding. It's everywhere, my hands, the jacket, the cushions. "Elle. Hey, look at me. You're going to be okay. You hear me? You're going to be okay." My voice breaks as I see the pain in her eyes.

"Carli..." She reaches up with one hand again.

I take it, pressing it to my cheek. "I'm here. I need to call 911."

Making sure she's holding the jacket to her wound, I reach into my pocket for my phone.

"911, what's your emergency."

"187 Madison Boulevard, apartment B-11. I need an ambulance, a federal agent has been shot. I'm FBI."


"SSA Carli D'angelo. I need an ambulance," I say again. "And police. I have a dangerous criminal in custody. Please, hurry." I don't wait for an answer before I hang up.

Next, I dial Hotch.

"Pick up, pick up," I mumble. "Goddamnit Hotch, pick up!"

He finally answers the phone.



"Elle's apartment. Right now. Bring the team. It's bad."

"Carli, slow down. What happened?"

"It's bad. Hurry. Please." Again, I hang up without waiting for a response. I shove the phone in my pocket and cup Elle's face in my hands. Her eyes are closed.

"Elle." I shake her shoulders. "You need to stay awake, Baby."

Finally, she opens her eyes and I see tears brimming. My own eyes begin to water but I force it away.

"Elle, listen to me. I need to get the unsub out of here. The ambulance is coming. Stay awake for me. Okay? Can you do that?" I don't try to hide the panic in my voice, the fear.

She closes her eyes briefly in acknowledgement. "Come back," she whispers.

"I will. I promise." I kiss her forehead, her skin cold against my lips.

I force myself away after pushing both her hands to her wound. I return to the unsub, my fear replaced with anger.

I drag him to his feet and shove him towards the open door. Outside, I slam him against the railing, his back to me. My right hand grips his shoulder while my left holds his handcuffs.

"You didn't follow the rules," he cries.

"Shut up." I push him harder. "I should kill you," I hiss into his ear.

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