Chapter 21

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Half an hour later we're all sitting on the couch again. JJ on the left end of the bracket, Elle sitting to my left, Garcia snuggled up in Morgan's arms to my right and Spencer stretching out his long legs on the right chaise.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" JJ asks as she props her legs up on the coffee table.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Morgan says as he pulls something out of Garcia's purse. "I convinced Garcia to let me bring this." He pulls a horror movie from the bag.

Garcia sighs with a slight smile. "He was very convincing."

I'm already shaking my head. "Nope, no, no way."

"Come on, C, it's not that bad," Morgan gives a sly smile. "I'll hold your hand."

I scoff. "Yeah, think I'll pass."

Elle looks at me with disbelief. "Wait, wait, hold up. You don't like horror movies? You?"

I look at her, slightly embarrassed. "They're not my favorite."

She just laughs. "Carli, we deal with scary stuff everyday. You've seen more of it than any of us. And that's real! This isn't, it's all fake."

"I know!" I say defensively. "I know. Blood and gore, I can deal with that. That doesn't bother me."

Elle looks at me quizzically. "Then...?"


"Carli hates being scared." JJ finishes for me.

I roll my eyes. "Jump scares. I don't like being caught off guard."

Elle smirks. "Control freak," she mutters.

I gasp at her in fake disbelief and hit her with a couch pillow. She laughs, running her hands through her hair. "You can keep hitting me, but you're watching this movie."

I put the pillow down and cross my arms. "Make me."

The weight of my words settles across the silence of the room. I quickly realize the real meaning of what I said but am too proud to look away. Stubbornly, we hold eye contact, and I will myself not to look at her mouth. She bites her bottom lip, trying not to smile.

Morgan breaks the silence. "Come on, C, it's not even that bad," he says again. "Please?"

I finally look away from Elle and throw my head back as I groan. "Fine."

"Yes!" Morgan smiles as he stands to put the movie in.

I stand as well.

"Um, where do you think you're going?" Elle looks up at me, her voice accusing.

I smirk. "Relax, Greenaway."I roll up the sleeve of my sweatshirt and take off the knife strapped to my forearm. "You don't want me near any weapons when we do this."

I put the knife on the kitchen counter and return to the couch.

Elle looks at me, her head tilted in curiosity. "You always wear that?"

"Yep. Usually an ankle holster, but..." I gesture to my bare legs and feet. She looks down at my legs and I blush, realizing how close I sat to her.

She looks back up to my face and laughs at the color in my cheeks, which of course makes me blush harder.

Morgan's about to say something snarky when I shoot him a glare. "Start the movie," I say coldly.

He puts his hands up in surrender and hits play.


Forty minutes into the movie and I find myself inching closer and closer to Elle. I can't help it. Her body is warm next to my bare legs, her arm on the back of the couch behind my head. All I want to do is sink into her, her familiar smell drowning out everything else, that feeling of butterflies making my heart beat faster.

I try to return my focus to the movie instead of the way she sits; leaning back into the cushions with her knees spread apart and one foot up on the coffee table.

It almost works. I'm trying to pay attention. There's this group of teenagers that find an abandoned cabin in the woods. Then a serial killer shows up or something. I'm not really sure.

I watch the screen as one of the girls goes off alone into the woods. Yeah, that's a great idea. I know a jump scare is coming and my body tenses, watching as she navigates through the trees. Suddenly she turns a corner and the killer is there.

I nearly jump out of my seat, my left hand grabbing Elle's leg roughly while my right travels instinctively to my hip.

I bite my lip and try to hide a smile as the others burst out laughing. I shake my head, finally giving in as a smile spreads across my lips. "You guys are lucky I'm not wearing a gun."

They just laugh and return their attention to the movie, as do I.

A few moments later I feel Elle nudge me. I look to my left, realizing how close we are. Her eyes stare at me with intensity before flickering down and back. I follow her gaze, finally understanding. My hand is still on her thigh, even though my grip has loosened.

Looking back at her, flustered, I remove my hand from her body. I've just let go when her right hand quickly grabs mine. She pauses before returning my palm to her leg.

I look back up at her. Her eyes are dark, passive, betray nothing. I turn back to the screen, not really watching, as I let my fingertips graze back and forth across her thigh, my body sinking closer to her in the cushions.

Her warmth wraps around me, drawing me in.

"Hey, C–"

I quickly pull away from Elle as Morgan turns toward me.

"You got any popcorn?" he asks, oblivious to the moment he interrupted.

I blink, hard. "Yeah, um, kitchen," I stammer.

I get up and pull the microwave popcorn packets from the cabinet. Together we make five bags, one for each of us and of course, one for Morgan and Garcia to share.

We walk back to the couch ten minutes later, distributing the bags.

"Thanks," Elle says as I hand her one. I can't bring myself to meet her eyes.

I retake my seat next to her, noticeably further than we were before I stood up. I feel her eyes on me but keep my gaze set on the movie.

Don't look at her. Don't. Because if you do, she'll pull you in, and you won't be able to get out.

I'm drowning. And I don't know which way is up.


Elle stands near my front door, putting her black coat on. The fabric falls to her knees. I watch as she buttons it up and pulls her hair from the collar, tossing her head back.

The movie ended about half an hour ago and everyone left fairly quickly after cleaning up. I tried to avoid her, only speaking to her when I had to. Now, of course, she's the last one to leave, and I have no choice but to acknowledge her.

But I just don't know what to say.

We stand in the hall, our usual comforting silence now awkward and uneasy.

"I'm glad you came tonight," I say quietly.

"Me too." Her tone matches mine, soft and anxious. She takes a step closer. "I was wondering when I'd get to see your apartment."

I take a step back, unsure how to respond.

She notices my hesitation. "Seeing how you've been avoiding me." Her voice drops in volume and she's nearly whispering.

I force myself to look up and meet her eyes. I know she can see the pain in mine. "I'm sorry," I whisper. My voice is broken and barely audible.

She gives me a sad smile. "I know."

She leaves without another word.

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