Chapter 58

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Elle and I stand with the three boys from earlier. We've spent the entire afternoon on the beach, getting drinks, having a good time. One of the guys keeps trying to get closer to me. Every time he does, a sour expression passes over Elle's face.

She stands beside me at the moment. It's nearly 9:00 and the beach shines silver under the moonlight. The five of us surround a table at an outdoor bar. The dim lighting comes from lanterns hanging from the rafters, swinging in the wind. The ocean is loud at my back, waves crashing onto the shore.

Elle laughs as one of the boys makes a joke. I smile half-heartedly, ready to leave. Elle keeps running her hand up my bare leg beneath the table. She's driving me crazy.

I glance towards the other end of the bar and see Morgan coming towards us with a girl on his arm. "C!" he calls. "I'm heading out. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure." I glance at the girl and lean in closer to him. "Have fun," I tease. He smiles and leads the girl out of the bar.

Elle returns her hand to my thigh. This time her fingers climb higher and tug on the band of my bikini. She twists the elastic around her fingers, then pushes her knuckles against my skin.

I inhale sharply, leaning forward onto the table. I force a smile. "Sorry boys, but I'm going to call it a night." I glance sideways at Elle. "We promised a few friends we'd meet up."

The boys' faces fall and the one closest to me leans forward. "We'll see you tomorrow then?"

I smile. "We'll find you," I assure him.

Elle removes her hand from my side and follows me out the bar. Once we're back on the beach and a short distance away, she laces her fingers in mine. We walk with our shoulders pressed together, our hands brushing against our legs.

"I thought Morgan was never leaving," she sighs.

"Elle, can we make a deal?"

She turns her head to look at me, her eyes reflecting the moon. She tilts her head in a gesture for me to continue.

"We're on vacation. Two weeks where I get you all to myself." I rub my thumb across the back of her hand. "Screw Morgan. Screw hiding. I'm enjoying this time with my girlfriend and I don't give a damn who knows."

Elle grins and stops walking. She spins me towards her and cups my face in her hands.

"About damn time," she exclaims before crashing my lips to hers. My hands find her waist in the dark as she tangles her hands in my hair. Her body is warm against my bare skin. Her lips mesh against mine and I welcome her tongue with pleasure.

After a moment I break away. I grab her hand and start walking again, pulling her behind me.


We get to my room a few minutes later. I unlock the door and open it for her, closing it softly behind us. She pauses after taking a few steps. "Carli..."

I come up from behind, wrapping my arms around her exposed waist and kissing her neck. I step around her and smile at her surprised expression. I lead her to the table where a bottle of wine sits with two glasses and a vase of roses in the center. My hands find her hips and I spin her towards me. I lean in close.

"Happy six months," I whisper against her lips.

I kiss her and she smiles against my mouth. "It's not for another two weeks," she says once we separate.

"I know." We sway back and forth, her hips pressed against mine. "But I didn't want to wait."

I drop my hands and take the bottle, uncorking it and pouring us each a glass. I hand one to her and smile. "To us."

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