Chapter 24

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"$500,000 or you'll never see her again." The unsub's voice flows through the receiver, trembling with rage. The computer in front of me confirms it.

"We don't have it," Gideon admits.

"Are you not listening to me? I will kill her!" the unsub shouts. Emma and her father embrace in the corner.

"No, you won't, not yet. We need more time to get the money. You won't kill her until you get what you want," Gideon's voice is condescending. He wants to get under the unsub's skin, to get him to make a mistake. It's working.

"I want to talk to Emma."

Emma lifts her head from her father's chest. "What?"

Our team exchanges glances. Gideon mutes our end. "Greenaway."

Elle walks around the table to the phone and unmutes the receiver. "It's me." Her voice quavers, fake fear in her high tone.

There's a pause on the other end. "Emma?"

Elle glances at me and I give a small smile in encouragement. "Yes," she repeats a little louder.

More silence. Then the unsub, his voice low and shaky. "Get Agent Greenaway off the phone before I put a bullet in her head."

Elle freezes. Infuriated, I move to stand in front of the room's windows. I cross my arms and face the outside defiantly.

"Or Agent D'angelo, if you'd rather," the unsub responds calmly.

I don't move from my spot but face the others. Go, I mouth to Morgan. He leaves with Reid and a few officers to canvas the area.

"Carli," Hotch warns.

My gaze travels to Elle, still at the table. "I'm not moving, Hotch. Put Emma on the phone."

I made a promise to Davenport. Emma's not getting hurt. 

And neither is Elle.

Hotch nods to me and Elle. She looks at me again before directing her attention to Emma.

"Emma." She lightens her tone. I know her well enough to hear the tension underneath it. "We need you."

"Why does he want to talk to me?" The girl's eyes betray her fear.

"We don't know yet. But I'll help you, okay? I'll write down what to say and all you need to do is speak. I'll be right there with you." I watch the way her hands find Emma's, her grip strong and comforting. They walk together to the table. Emma stands over the phone and Elle sits beside her, writing on a notepad.

I try to distract myself from the urge to move from the window. If the unsub is out there, if he's not happy with what Emma tells him... I take a deep breath to steady myself. The best distraction sits in front of me.

She wears a tight, long-sleeved red shirt with buttons trailing down the front over a dark grey camisole. The top button rests undone, exposing her collarbone and a fraction of her cleavage. Her hair falls into her face as she leans over the notepad. Her hand grips the pencil tightly, her delicate fingers wrapped around it, her lips moving as she mouths what she's writing.

With my eyes on Elle, I listen to the unsub. His voice quiets, more relaxed. His word choice and tone change dramatically. I realize the unsub's focus isn't Trish. It's not the money either. It's Emma. He wants Emma.

After another minute Gideon puts a hand on the girl's arm. "That's enough."

The unsub immediately resorts back to anger. "No! I want to talk to her!"

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