Chapter 47

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I wake up with my head tucked against her shoulder. The smell of her skin swarms my nose. In the middle of the night she pulled me on top of her because she was cold, using my body as a blanket. My arms are wrapped under the pillow while hers cross down my back, holding me tightly. Our chests press together while our heads are side by side and our legs tangle beneath the covers.

I kiss her neck softly and her hands move up and down my back, my bare skin tingling at her touch. One of her hands rises to my head and she presses my face further into her neck. My lips brush across her skin while her fingers tangle in my hair.

We stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other's warmth.

You have no idea how much you mean to me. Her words play on repeat in my mind, the image of her smile flashing behind my eyes.

But I do know.

I know I would die for the woman in my arms. And every day I'm terrified I'll have to. I'm terrified that one of the monsters we chase will chase us, that I'll lose her. I can't lose her. All I want is to stay here, where we're safe, where she's safe in my arms.

Everything comes back to her. The smell of her skin, the softness of her lips, her strong hands and delicate fingers. Her dimples shining in the sun and freckles splattered across her nose. Her beautiful heart, her brilliant mind. Every case, every unsub, every day. It all comes back to her.

My phone buzzes on the bedside table, shattering the beautiful silence. Elle moans beneath me in disappointment. I pull my face from her neck and smile, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't worry, it's not work," I whisper as I grab the phone and hold it to my ear.

"Hi, Dad," I say into the receiver.

"Merry Christmas! Have you had breakfast yet?" His voice is cheery, bringing a smile to my lips.

"Not yet. We're still in bed, actually." I glance at Elle as her hands continue to caress my back.

"We?" my dad asks curiously. I already told him everything about Elle. He keeps bugging me about meeting her.

"We'll get up soon. I'll call you after breakfast, okay?" I tell him, ignoring his question.

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and return it to the table. When I look back at Elle she brings one hand to my face, tucking my hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek. I take her hand in mine, turning my head to kiss her palm gently.

I sit up fully, my legs straddling her stomach. I lean forward and my lips meet hers, pulling softly at her mouth. I speak in between kisses. "We should go downstairs."

Her hands at the back of my neck, she pulls away and smiles. "Cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate?"

I grin back at her. She remembered.

I kiss her again, pulling her up so I'm sitting in her lap. Slowly, I climb off her, leaving her sitting in the tangle of bedsheets. She watches me throw on a sweater before standing and pulling my patriots hoodie over her head. I walk over and pull her into me by the hoodie strings. I kiss her deeply, my hands snaking around her hips. She laughs against my mouth, the kiss turning into a mess of teeth.

I pull away, swinging her by her hips. Still laughing, she takes my hand and pulls me down the stairs.

When we round the corner into the living room I realize that two more presents have been added beneath the tree. She must have put them there last night before coming upstairs.

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