Chapter 46

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I lean back into the couch cushions, my left hand beneath my head while my right twirls the string of my flannel pajama pants. My eyes focus on the bright lights of the Christmas tree across the room. Elle and I decorated it together.

Red beads swing down from the green branches, ornaments hanging off the ends. A gold and white star rests on the top bow while a dark red tree skirt surrounds the stump. Three carefully wrapped presents rest on the fabric.

The clock reads 11:48 pm. Elle spent the last three days in New York with her family. When I asked her what she wanted to do for the holidays she simply looked at me and said "you".

She promised to be home Christmas Eve, but there was snow up North and her flight got delayed. I told her to call me when she landed but I haven't heard from her yet. It's not like she needs to be here before midnight. I'll wait as long as it takes.

I count the ornaments to keep myself awake, relaying the story behind each of them. Most of them are from when I was a kid; my mom would get me and my sister a new ornament every year for Christmas. My eyes stop on the breast cancer ribbon hanging from a branch in the center of the tree. I pause before moving on to the next one, remembering my mom.

She would always laugh when I woke her up in the morning at an ungodly hour, unable to contain my excitement. After opening presents we would make cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate together. The first Christmas after she passed, my dad and I continued the tradition. We burnt the rolls but ate them anyway.

I miss Mom. She'd love Elle. I know she would.

After another ten minutes I hear a knock on the door. My eyebrows raise in surprise; I never heard the buzzer telling me someone was downstairs. I drag myself off the couch, yawning as I walk towards the door.

I open it and can't help the smile spreading across my features.

Elle returns the grin. She wears a long black coat over blue jeans and black boots, snowflakes in her hair and on her eyelashes. A grey suitcase sits at her feet and she holds a bakery bag in her left hand.

I pull her into me by her collar, kissing her gently as her arms wrap around my waist.

When we separate she smiles again. "I hope I'm not late," she whispers.

I glance behind me towards the clock in the kitchen. It reads 12:00.

"Right on time." I pull her into the apartment and hug her tightly. She closes the door with her foot and returns my embrace.

"Merry Christmas," I whisper into her hair. She hugs me tighter in response.

When we finally break apart she sheds her coat and hangs it on a hook before carrying her suitcase upstairs. She returns and walks to the kitchen, setting the smaller bag in her hand onto the counter and pulling it open.

"What's that?" I ask as I come up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Black and white cookies. Manhattan's finest." She holds up a cookie and I lean forward, taking a bite out of the vanilla side. The cookie crumbles and then melts into my mouth, the sugar of the frosting blending in with the flavor. She smiles and takes a bite from the chocolate side as I pull another cookie from the bag and head into the living room, eating it in three quick bites.

I fall onto the couch and lay on my back, my head propped up on the cushions. She snuggles up next to me on her side, turning in so her head is against my neck and her arms wrap around my body.

I stifle a yawn, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"You didn't have to stay up, you know," she mumbles into my chest.

"I know." I smile softly. A few minutes go by and I feel the pull of sleep, my eyes starting to close. Elle senses the shift in my breathing and tilts her head to look at me.

"No tienes idea de lo mucho que significas para mí," she whispers.
You have no idea how much you mean to me.

The words roll off her tongue with ease and years of practice, the sentence flowing together. Her voice is beautiful.

My eyes flutter open and I respond quietly, "Tengo alguna idea." I have some idea.

She sits up quickly, pushing off my stomach and leaning on her forearm. She looks genuinely surprised. "You can speak Spanish?"

"Of course I can," I answer her question with a cocky grin. "And French, and Italian, German, a little bit of Russian–" I interrupt myself with a soft laugh when she rolls her eyes.

"Estás loca," she teases with a sideways smile. You're crazy.

"No, estoy loca para ti." No, I'm crazy about you.

I reach my right hand up and cup her cheek, pulling her lips to mine and kissing her gently.

When we pull away she sits up fully, her hands resting in mine. I look at her, my eyes admiring her features. "You're tired," I mumble as I rub my thumb across her palm. "Why don't you change and we get some sleep?"

She smiles, her dimples showing in the glow of the Christmas tree lights. She nods towards the stairs and stands from the couch. "I'll be right there," she tells me before heading to the bathroom.

I watch as she walks away and head upstairs, turning on a lamp and peeling off my sweater so I'm left in a bra and my flannel pants. I climb under the covers and wait for her.

She climbs up the stairs and reaches for her bag. She  strips off her sweater and jeans, replacing them with a tank top and shorts. I call to her from the bed. "Won't you be cold?"

She smiles over her shoulder. "I have you."

She joins me under the covers a moment later. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me. We both lay on our sides facing each other with one hand under the pillows. I find hers and interlace our fingers while my other hand remains on her hip. She reaches up with her free hand, brushing the hair back from my face.

I smile softly and lean forwards, kissing her gently. She curls into me, her hips pressing against mine as her hand moves to the back of my neck. She kisses me more passionately and her fingers tangle in my hair while my hand moves below her hips.

Our lips mesh together and our tongues meet in her mouth. She moans softly into my lips as my tongue swirls against hers. A warmth spreads through my chest as I melt into her touch, my hand beneath the pillow gripping hers tightly.

When we pull away for air she scoots even closer to me. She rests her head under my chin, her lips brushing against my collarbone. She kisses me gently, my skin tingling from her touch. My heart beat quickens, threatening to jump out of my chest.

When she breaks away she takes a deep breath. She turns her head so her cheek is pressed against my bare skin. She settles into my arms and the pillow, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight, Elle," I whisper.

Her voice is barely audible and I feel her speak more than hear her.

"Goodnight Carli. Merry Christmas."


i apologize if the spanish is incorrect, i tried
hope everyone enjoyed the holiday if you celebrate!!

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