Chapter 57

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"Bright blue skies, warm sands, and plenty of beautiful women." Morgan grins, one hand around my shoulders and the other around Elle.

"And not a single murder," I add in delight.

Morgan, Elle and I are headed to Montego Bay, Jamaica for our two week vacation. Two weeks. Me, her, a beach, and a bed.

We head back to the desks, laughing. Elle sits on her desk while I take her chair, swiveling back and forth. Morgan sits sideways on the edge, looking towards Reid.

"Where you headed, pretty boy? My friend could still hook you up with a room if you change your mind," Morgan offers.

"Las Vegas, to see my mom." Reid hurriedly packs his bag with a frown on his face. He stands and walks past us.

"Doesn't look too excited for time off," I note as we watch him leave the office.

"He looks about how I would if I was spending two weeks with my family," Elle smirks. I swivel the chair towards her and kick her foot with mine playfully.

"Family? I'm about to get nothing but for two weeks." Hotch comes rushing across the bullpen. "Haley's made a list. The only thing I have to decide is where to start."

Elle smiles. "I'm sure she has an idea or two about that, too."

Hotch's grin widens and I laugh with the others as he leaves. Gideon follows him to the door. "I'm going to hole up in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. Don't call me." He moves towards the door but pauses and spins back to us. "Seriously, don't call me."

That leaves me, Morgan, and Elle in the office. I head to my desk and grab my bag. "I'm getting out of here. What time are we meeting at the airport tomorrow?"

"7:00. Terminal B," Morgan responds as he grabs his own things. "See you tomorrow, ladies," he grins.

Elle and I walk to the elevator but I see Morgan just getting in. Wanting a moment alone, I take her elbow and lead her to the stairs. We push through the door and walk down the first flight so we're between the fifth and sixth floor. I glance back to say something but I don't get the chance.

Her hands seize my hips as she crashes her lips into mine. She pushes forward, my back colliding with the wall. The kiss ends all too soon and she pulls away. My hands grab the back of her neck, my eyes hungry. She leans in to my ear and whispers against my skin. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow night." She flicks my earlobe with her tongue and I sink against the wall, melting at the touch.

Her hands slide off my body, taking her time. She licks her lips as her brown eyes lock onto mine. I stare back at her, completely entranced. She smiles, her pink lips calling to my own. Elle reaches out with one hand and her fingers brush across my cheek. She takes her thumb and drags it across my lips. My head tilts back, my lips parted and my eyes wanting. Finally, she drops her hand and turns her back to me. My body still against the wall, my heart pounding in my chest, she walks away.


The sun is warm on my bare skin, my head tilted up to the sky. I can hear the sound of waves and people around me on the beach. My eyes are closed but I know Elle lies to my right, her beach chair close to mine. I take a deep breath and taste sea salt on my tongue. I feel Elle's fingers dragging across my arm. Smiling, I open my eyes and glance sideways at her.

She's wearing an olive green triangle bikini. The top barely covers her cleavage and the bottom ties at each hip in a simple bow.

"Hi," she mouths as her fingers trace across my skin. I don't reply, my lips twisted into a childish grin.

She pulls away as Morgan comes back with another man. He hands each of us a fruity alcoholic drink. "Ladies. Marcus, my man. He got us the rooms."

Marcus smiles in greeting and shakes each of our hands. Elle grins up at him. "Thank you, for the rooms."

"Of course! Anything for a few friends of Derek's." He turns to me and gives a quick wink as he takes my hand in his. He leans forward and his lips brush the back of my hand.

Elle and I glance at each other before we both burst out laughing.

Morgan smacks Marcus in the shoulder. "Hey, hey none of that."

I look back at Marcus, a smirk on my lips. "Ignore him."

Elle glances sideways at me. "Ignore her."

The boys laugh again as Derek takes the open chair on my left. Marcus says his goodbyes and heads off while we relax with our drinks.

A few minutes later Morgan notices a group of girls a short distance down the beach. He stands with his drink in hand. "If you'll excuse me, ladies. Time for some fun." He walks around us but pauses. "Will you two be okay?"

Elle and I exchange a glance. "Derek. We will be much more than okay," Elle assures him with a smile.

Derek grins. "Good answer."

Once he's gone I turn my attention towards Elle. She has her eyes closed and the sun shines across her face, her freckles standing out on her tan skin. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she smirks without opening her eyes.

I smile. "Why would I need a picture when I have the original?"

The corner of her lips turn up and she opens her mouth to reply. Before she gets the chance, a frisbee comes flying at us. Instinctively, my left hand rises and catches the disc before it hits Elle's legs. She opens her eyes, startled.

A young man comes running over to us. His sandy brown hair swoops to one side. He wears navy blue board shorts, his top half bare and toned abs exposed.

"I'm sorry! Shot went wide," he says sheepishly as I hand him the disc.

I smile. "Don't worry about it."

He glances back at two other guys. They nod at him encouragingly. "Would you two like to join us?"

I glance at Elle and see a smile playing across her lips.

"We'd love to."


y'all knew it was coming eventually 😏😏
aight so here's the plan: this whole section is nine chapters, i've already written them all so YAY. one chapter will be published each day until this section is complete. so grab some snacks and some tissues y'all, it's gonna be a long week

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