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⚠️So this chapter has a bit of a warning. It's not a theme through out the whole book it's just  single mention of Self Harm in paragraph 15 so skip it if you need to . ⚠️

When i found out that my little sister and i were moving to Forks, i couldn't have been happier.

Being a Werewolf, i often fantasize about what it would be like to find my mate.

The one i was meant to, destined to, be with.

Maybe moving to Forks would be a step in the right direction?

As i kept packing my things into my suitcase, i began to think about what would happen if any of my family found out about who i was.

It all happened a couple months ago when i was on my way back home from school.

I had been kept behind, because of not doing my homework.

What can i say? It happens often.

It was as if i was in some type of movie.

I was turning a corner and the last thing that i know is that something jumped out at me and the rest is blank.

I hit my head pretty hard and after that i woke up in the hospital.

I had a few bruises on my arms and my neck stung and when i asked what happened, my Mum told me that i hadn't come home and she got worried so she went out and she found me, unconscious.

She said that it looked as if i had just been involved with a hit and run, and she and the doctors concluded that i must have just been beaten up pretty badly.

But i knew, in my heart, that that wasn't it, i felt different.

Over the next couple of weeks i began to notice that whenever i cut myself, i would wake up the next morning and the gash would be gone.

I even went as far as to cut myself on purpose and every morning i would wake up and it would be but a dis-colored mark on my skin.

But what really made me know something was wrong was when i had gone outside to put the rubbish out and felt a stabbing pain in my stomach and i felt as if my bones were breaking and changing places.

To say i was scared was an understatement and when i woke up deep in the forest the next morning, i rushed back home, telling my Mum that i had thought i had seen something in the woods and then lost my way, and i shut myself in my room with my laptop, until i concluded that i was a Werewolf...

I still can't believe it, the slightest things can set me off and i have to be careful.

Sometimes i find myself having to suppress a growl from escaping when i used to see my sisters old boyfriends hold her too tight.

I can't tell them, my family.

I can't have them be in danger, because of what i am.. i love them too much for that...

"Katelynn! Will you come and help your sister load her things into the car please?!" I hear my Mum shouting up the stairs and i quickly zip my case up and bring it down with me.

After coming to terms with what i was, i began to realize the benefits of being what i am.

One of them being, i'm extremely strong.

I walk out the door of the house and load my case into the trunk of the car as well as helping Bella with hers.

I shut the trunk door and i put my hands on my hips, walking around the side of the car to see Mum.

"Still my strong little girl then?" She says as she places her hand on my arm.

I smile and laugh "Well those extra gym classes, that i asked to take, helped"

Not gonna lie, i found them super easy, but i had to say that i wanted to take them, to put my strength down to something.

I don't lift stuff that i know i could, like a car, but i lift boxes and stuff that my Mum wants me to do and i have to pretend that its just about heavy enough for me to lift.

She moves her other hand and she puts it on my other shoulder, matching the one opposite.

"You don't have to do this, you know" She says

"Mum, i really want to, i'm excited. If not because that i know how much you want to travel, then because i really need a new start" I say, sighing.

"I know how difficult life's been for you after the accident, but i want you to know that if you ever need me, i'll be here" She says as she kisses my head.

"It's not been that different, and it's not as if i will be leaving for good, i'll be coming back after you come back from your travels with Phil" I say as i move away from her and begin to open the door to get into the car.

"Don't kid yourself, K, you've been quieter after what happened" Bella says from inside the car as i sit down.

"Besides, i have a feeling, mothers intuition if you will, that you might not be coming back to us as quickly as you think.." Mums says as Phil pulls out the driveway

"If you wanna keep me away then all you have to do is say so" I say sarcastically and the four of us laugh.


After going through the airport, i spot Dad, waiting by the side of his Police car for us and i run up and hug him.

"Why'd you have to bring the Police car, it looks as if you are taking one of us to jail" I say, laughing as i pull away from him.

"Maybe i might have to, you never know" He says as he hugs Bella and then turns back to me "Have you got stronger, kido, or has your sister and i grown weak?"

"It would be the first one" Bella says "Our K's been working out"

Bella moves her arm in a 'weights-lifting' motion and Dad laughs.

He claps his hands, after a minute, and turns to us.

"Now, whos sitting in the back like a hostage and whos sitting up front?"

"I'm front!" Bella and i shout at the same time.

"I think you'd better let K go in the front Bell's, Knowing her strength, she could probably win if you wrestled her for it"

Some info from the reader:

(Kat first sees Jacob in chapter 6 but mostly 9 so keep on reading for that)

Some other fan fiction genre books I've wrote if you are interested in checking out my profile:

Hunger games
Once upon a time
Harry Potter
One shot book
Shadow and bone
The Walking Dead

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