26- Second Movie

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52 days

That's how long it's been since prom.

Those 52 days have been the best... i couldn't imagine a better way to spend them, then with Jacob.

It's like every time i wake up and look beside me, i get all the feelings rushing over me again, like a school girl.

I role over in bed and i kiss Jacobs cheek and i role out of the other side of the bed.

Getting dressed, i walk out of the bathroom and i look at him, still asleep after 20 minutes.

I smile and role my eyes as i walk into the bathroom and fill up an empty water bottle, from the side, and i walk back into the room.

I look at the door and i make sure that it's open, ready to run downstairs.

I hold my breath and i pour the contence of the bottle over him as he jumps, awake and he looks at me as i squeal and run down the stairs, out of the room.

I'm halfway to the other side of the living room, when he catches me in his arms and he turns myself into him.

"What was that for?" He says as he drips water from his face.

"What? You weren't getting up and we have places to go to" I say as i move his short, wet hair, out of his face.

"So you decided to dump water on me?" He ask with a raised eyebrow

"Exactly" I say as i push him backwards, until he is at the bottom of the stairs "Now you need to go and get dried off before i leave without you"

"Not cool, Kate!" He shouts at me as he walks up the stairs and i walk back into the living room.

"You love me really" I say as i smile.

I enter the living room and i stop.

"Wanna explain?" Embry says as i look at him, along with Leah and Seth, sitting on the couch

"Sorry, i didn't realise anyone was in here" I say as i blush and they role there eyes

"Sure you didn't" Leah says as she gets up and walks into the kitchen as i follow her


Arriving at Bella's school, i jump off Jakes motorbike as i watch Edward and Bella walk up to us.

"Charlie said you left town" Jake says to Bella as we stand in front of each other.

Bella besides Edward, me besides Jacob.

"Yeah, to visit Mum... why?" Bella asks as she looks at us, confused

"He's checking to see if you're still human" Edward says, laughing

"Look, i'm not here to check whether Bella is still human, it doesn't really bother me, it's her choice... I'm here to tell you that if your kind come onto our side again... things will get ugly." I say as i fold my arms.

"We let you stay on our side" Edward says to me as he steps closer and i do the same as i unfold my arms

"Yeah, but that benefitted you... and i asked you" I say as i growl at him and Jacob moves me back, giving me a look, telling me that that's not why we are here.

"Wait, what?" Bella says, referring to the vampires coming on the wolves side

"You didn't tell her?" Jacob says to Edward

"Just leave it alone, Jacob" Edward says as Bella looks between the two

"Look... I may still be mad at Bella for risking herself for you, by shielding you from showing yourself to the humans, Edward, but not telling her what happened is just cruel" I say

"Tell me what?" Bella asks again

"Emmet and Paul had a misunderstanding, it's nothing to worry about" Edward says to her

"Listen to you... did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jacob asks him.

"Just leave" Edward says

"She has a right to know, she is the one the red head wants" Jacob says back

"Victoria?!" Bella says and Edward closes his eyes for a split second, knowing that she has found out that Victoria is back

"I was trying to protect you" Edward says and i role my eyes

"By lying to me" Bella says as she shakes her head "And you" She says as she looks at me "Why haven't you called me back?"

"You made your choice... i had nothing to say" I say to her as i turn around and walk back over to Jakes motorcycle and i get my helmet off the back, preparing to leave.

"I'm coming with you" Bella says

"Unfortunately... there is no room" I say as I jump on the back of the bike, behind Jacob. "Sorry sis" I say as Jacob pulls away from her and we drive off.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now