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After driving back to the pack house, i jump off the back of the bike.

"Do you think i did the right thing?" I ask, walking closer to the door of the house "Telling Bella she couldn't come with us?" I ask Jake

"You know that it's not a good idea, with her being the vampires play thing and all" Jacob says as he places his arm around my back.

Suddenly the youngsters run out of the house, to welcome us back.

"Hey, Kate" Quil says

"Hey man" I say "Not getting bored of being in the pack yet are you?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"Na, it's so cool" He says to me "Besides you've barely been here longer then i have" He says to me and i brake from Jacobs arm and i ruffle Quils hair "Hey, watch the hair, watch the hair!" He says and i laugh, pulling my hand back

"Jacob, i'm surprised you let Kate go see Edward" Embry says "Your inner monolog was saying what a bad idea it was, because of how mad she is with him"

"Hey, i'm right here!" I say "And if he hadn't have let me, it would have been worse for him" I say as Embry laughs

"That's my girl" He says as he hugs me.

"Not trying to steal her away from me, are you?" Jacob says and i role my eyes, coming back to stand next to him.

The boys laugh and i watch as Sam walks over to us and i hug Emily.

I pull back and i hear Jacob talking to Sam

"Sam, we good?" He asks him

"Yeah, we're good, she won't be getting threw our line any time soon" He says, referring to Victoria, and the younger ones cheer as they run off into the woods.

I smile at Leah as she smiles back at me, shifting into a wolf and running into the woods.

Jacob touches my back and leads me to his motorbike.

We both walk up to the garage around the back of the house, Jacob wheeling the bike.

"I feel bad that i can't hang out with Emily and Leah at the same time" I say as we reach the garage and we walk inside with the motorcycle.

"It's not your fault that what happened happened" Jacob says to me and i nod

"I know and i'm not blaming myself, i just feel hurt for Leah, but i know that Sam didn't mean to hurt her by imprinting on Emily" I say as Jacob stops the bike in the middle of the garage and he chucks me a rag to start polishing it off like he is doing.

"You know as well as i do, that it's not as if he had a choice" Jake says as i bend down and start polishing the wheels.

"Yeah, well it's not as if it's as complicated for us as it is for them" I say.

"I remember when i imprinted on you" He says to me and i stand up from crouching down.

"Oh yeah?" I ask and he looks me in the eyes

"Yeah.." He says, looking like he has got a far off look in his eyes "I remember realising that you were my imprint when every time i saw you, it felt like it wasn't gravity holding me down it was you, if you had asked me to be anything or go anywhere i would have gone there with you, for you" He says as he looks back into my eyes

"You still would?" I ask

"Everyday" He says as he walks over to me, around the bike and he places his hands on each side of my waist.

I look into his eyes and then i pull him down and i kiss him, passionately, pouring all my feelings into the kiss.

We pull away and rest our foreheads on each others.

"I feel exactly the same way" I say and he kisses me, again.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now