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I watch as Jacob roles around with the other wolf and im quick to try to stop it.

"Jacob!" I shout as i run closer to him.

He growls at me to stay back, but i don't listen, i run forward as i change into my wolf form.

I stand in the middle of both of the wolves.

They both stop fighting, but they carry on growling at each other.

I look at Jacob and he stops immediately.

I turn to the other wolf and he looks at me before running of.

I look at Jacob and he nods into the woods and i walk in the trees.

He comes to me after a minute and he brings us both clothes as we shift back.

I shrug on the jeans and t-shirt that Jake got for me and i walk back to the house.

I stand outside as Jake walks up to me.

"Explain" I say as he stands in front of me.

"I know what he did" Jacob says as i stand there confused. "I know that he did that to you"

I touch my neck and find that the bandage had ripped off when i shifted.

"Who?" I ask

"I know that you know, Kate!"

"It doesn't mean that you had to go and fight him... he's your Alpha Jacob! You could be kicked out the pack!" I shout as i turn away from him.

He grabs my arm "I-"

"No, don't you dare say that you did it for me! No, if you actually thought that you were doing it for me, then you would have talked to me, you would have asked me" I say as i shake my head and take my arm out of his hand "I'm going home" I say as i grab my coat and run off as Jacob watches me.


I run in the door when i get home and i run upstairs

"Hey, Kate what's-" Bella begins to ask me as i shut the door to our room.

I lie on my bed and i just stare at the ceiling.

I hear a knock at the door as Bella walks in.

"K, what's wrong?" She asks as she sits on the side of my bed.

"It's Jacob, He decided to get into a fight with the Alpha, he's at risk of being kicked out the pack... Bella i don't know what i will do if we are both rogues, where will we go when we decide to finish the mate bond?" I say as i begin to cry and i sit up and cross my legs

"Oh, Kate" Bella says as she hugs me.


"I'm really liking Forks" I hear Bella say over the phone as i dry my hair, from having a shower in the other room and i listen in. "Forks is growing on me"

I smile as i know it's probably Edwards doing. 

"Could a guy have anything to do with it?" I hear my Mum say and Bella says yes

"I knew it tell me everything, what about your Sister has she found someone as well?" She asks and i suck in a breathe

"She actually has a boyfriend, Mum.. they've been together for like 2 weeks now... She actually just got in a fight with him today, she is pretty upset about it-" Bella says as i walk out of the bathroom and i grab the phone from her hand

"Mum, i'm fine and Bella has a boy toy as well" I say as i smile when Bella rips the phone out of my hands and gives me a glare.

What, she spilled my private life to Mum, i'm going to do the same to her.

I sit on my bed as i look at the homework i've got to do and i sigh.

Bella gasps and i look to my side and i see Edward there.

"Oh yeah, i forgot to warn you he was coming" I say as i look at my work again.

"How did you get in here?" She asks him, but i answer

"He's been here almost every night..." I see Edward glaring at me "I'm going to go...." I say as i run out of the room with my homework.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now