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I walk out of the house the next morning and i groan as i see Jacob standing by his truck, trying to stifle a laugh.

I walk over to him and glare, playfully.

"Say anything, and you're dead Black" I say as i open the passenger side door and i jump into the truck.

Jacob starts off down the road and i look out of the window, watching the trees go by.

"So..." Jacob says and i role my eyes, looking at him, knowing what's coming "You look... great" He says, smiling

"I can't believe that we have to wear these stupid bright yellow grad gowns and you get to wear a normal black one, not to mention that you graduated a week before us!" I say as i fold my arms as i look at him

"They are... bright to say the least" Jake says and i open my mouth to tell him off when he cuts me off "Oh look we're here" He says as he shuts off the car and jumps out before i could make contact with his arm.

He walks around the truck and opens the door for me on the other side of the vehicle.

I jump down, making the graduation gown flow up and then back down when my feet touch the solid ground of the parking lot.

I look up and i see Dad and Bella walking towards us.

I hug Dad as he opens his arms for me.

I pull back and he holds me by my shoulders, looking at my gown.

"You're all grown up" He says, sadly "When you abruptly said that you wanted to move in with Jacob a couple months ago, i knew it, but now it's even more surreal" He says

"Dad i only moved in a couple minutes drive away" I say as he lets go of me and we start to walk into the building, Edward having joined us, standing next to Bella as we walk.

"I know" He says "But i will still miss you" He finishes and i smile

"Come on, it's about to start" I inform them as Bella and the Cullen's go into the left side of our family row and Dad sits in between Bella and i, Jacob on my right and i look up as the Principle says that it's time for the head girls speech, in this case, Jessica.

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like an Astronaut, President or in my case, a princess" Jessica says as everyone laughs. "When we where ten, they asked again, we answered rock star, cow boy or in my case gold medallist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer... Well how about this, who the hell knows" She says as everyone cheers in front of us and i smile, looking at Jacob as she finishes her speech and we all clap.

After a few of us have been called to collect our diplomas it comes to Bella's name and i watch her collect it as Dad stands up and claps and i role my eyes, smiling.

Suddenly, i hear my name and i grow ten times as nervous, but never the less i stand up and walk up the stairs, receiving the rolled up paper and i look out over everyone to see Dad still standing up clapping and Jacob smiling at me.


I walk into the party, after school and i see Bella, so i tug on Jakes arm and we walk over to her, Two other pack members walking behind us.

I told them not to come, but they said that they just wanted to crash the party.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asks us, because after graduation, the agreement between the Cullen's and i come to an end.

"We came to give you a gift, well Jacob did, he made it, i just watched him make it" I say as Jacob hands the wolf charm keyring to Bella with a smile, laughing at me as he puts his arm around my shoulders and i hold his hand.

I look behind us, smelling a vampire and i watch as Alice becomes rigid and she stands still on the stairs.

"Alice?" I say as i walk over to her, moving Jacobs arm in the process

"The decisions been made" She says as she looks at Bella, who has come and she stands besides me.

"The newborns?" Bella asks her

"They're coming here" Alice says

"What?!" I say, having no idea that there was any newborns in the first place.


I stand outside of the Cullen's house, where the party was being held and i look around the circle of Vampires.

I hold on to Jacobs hand.

"Explain to me why killer Vampire newborns are coming here?" I say to them all, fearing for Dads life and all of the people of Forks'.

"They'll be here in four days" Alice says

"This could turn into a blood bath" Carlisle says

"That doesn't explain why they are coming here?" I say

"They're coming for me" Bella says and i role my eyes

"Obviously ,Bella, I'm asking why they want to get you"

"I killed the leader, Victoria's mate.. now she wants to kill mine" Edward says as he looks at Bella.

"But i didn't see her in the vision" Alice says "If she really is behind this, then she is staying out of the action, in the shadows"

"Either way, the army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" Jasper says

"Hold on, i need more information" Jacob says "What damn army?"

"Newborns, recently turned vampires" Carlisle says to him

"They were passing around Bella's scent" Alice says and i look down as Jacob squeezes my shoulders, comfortingly.

"What does this mean?" Jacob says

"It means an ugly fight" Carlisle says "With lives lost"

I look up and i look at Jacob and he looks at the other two wolves next to us, using the pack bond we all decide.

"Alright, we're in" Jake says

"No" Bella says and i sigh

"Bella, this isn't your choice" I say

"Jacob, do you think that Sam will agree to an understanding?" He asks him

"As long as we get to kill some vampires" He says and i turn and glare at him.

"We will all need some training" Carlisle informs us

"Alright, name the time and place" I say as i step forward

"Kate, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" Bella says to me

"I know that i am going to protect my sister, at all costs, even if that costs my life" I say as i turn around and Jacob and the others follow after me as we walk out of the party, going to inform Sam on the plan.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now