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Sitting in the family room, i have bags underneath my eyes as i try to rock a screaming baby Aurora.

To be honest, she's more of a toddler now.

I look up from shushing her as Jacob walks into the room

"Still no luck?" He asks as he looks at my tired face

"No, it's like she knows that her aunt is giving birth and its hurting her personally, come to think of it, whenever she is near Bella she stops crying or maybe it's because she's near the unborn baby?" I say as i sigh and i gasp as she finally stops crying and relaxes in my arms.

"Bella's given birth, but she needs serious help!" Emmet says as he rushes into the room and i'm quick to stand up and give Aurora to Jacob when he offers and i rush to the room where Bella is.

"Bella!" I shout as i rush into the room and i see her lying on the bed not breathing and i look around to see Edward holding the baby.

I rush over to her and i start doing compressions on her chest and i blow air into her mouth.

"Why is nobody helping her?!" I scream and Edward turns to me and i look to see the baby covered in blood. "I'll take her" I say and he nods, handing me the baby as he replaces me. Jacob and Emmet run into the room to help her as i walk out of the room with the baby and i walk into the kitchen.

I quickly grab a towel and i wet it with water as i start to clean the baby off.

When she is fully clean, i rap her up and i sit on the couch with her.

She starts to cry.

"Shushh its ok, your Mummy will be just fine" I say taking shaky breaths in and i feel myself start to tear up.

I watch as Jacob walks into the room and sits next to me, a baby in each of our arms.

I rest my head on his shoulder as i rock Renesmee.

Suddenly, Edward walks into the room and my head snaps up from Jacobs shoulder.

He looks at me and i see his sad face.

"No... she didn't..." I say, but he nods

I quickly pass him his daughter and i run out of the house and i go into the woods.

I sit next to a tree and i cry so hard, i don't think i've cried this hard in my life.

Not only does my niece not have a Mum, i've lost my sister, my only sister.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now