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By the next day i was given the ok to go back to school.

I know, i know, but what can i say i was addiment that i was ok, the wound on my neck was half healed and i feel so much better then i did yesterday.

The only reason why i needed to tell anyone about it, was because i lost too much blood and it was really deep. Dr Cullen said i was lucky to be alive. If they had swiped me any deeper it could have pierced my vein.

I walk outside, towards Bella's car, and i place my bag into the back of the truck as Bella walks out the door after me and she unlocks it.

I open the door and i'm about to get into the truck when Bella slips on some mud on the drive.

"Bella!" I say as i get out of the car and i walk over to her, helping her up. "Are you ok? I just got got out of the hospital, don't go and get yourself put into one"

"Uhh" She moans as she stands up "Mud doesn't really help-"

"-the uncoordinated" I finish as we both laugh, because that's what she said when she slipped on ice in the winter.

We both trail off in our laughing and it ends up getting awkward.


We pull up to school in Bella's truck and i'm wearing a hoodie that i hope covers the white gauze square on my neck.

I jump out of the truck with Bella and Mike is already there waiting for us.

"Arizona, What's happening?" Mike says as i walk around to him. "So you and Cullen, huh.. that's... that's something"

I role my eyes at his awkwardness

"I don't like it" he says and i raise an eyebrow as we begin walking to the school through the parking lot. "He just looks at you like your something to eat" He says and i laugh and Bella whacks my arm.

"Hey! I'm wounded, you can't hit me" I say

"Why, what happened to you?" Mike says

"Oh nothing, just a scratch" I say, reassuring him, but also pulling the neck of my hoodie to cover my neck more. "Tell me about this prom theme" i say as he begins talking about the prom, excitedly.

I catch Bella's eye over his shoulder and i look away quickly.


By the time the end of the school day comes around, my neck is aching, because of the healing process.

"Are you ok?" Bella asks as i stand by her car.

"Yeah, Yeah, i'm fine" i say as i wince

She comes around the side of the car and she looks me in eyes.

She sighs "I'm your sister" She says "I can tell when you are lying"

Now it's my turn to sigh "No, i'm not fine, but i will be... i just hate that it's awkward between us and my neck really fucking hurts" I say as i lean against the side of the car.

She comes and raps her arms around me.

"Kate, i just needed some time. You are my best friend, my sister... How long have you been.."

"A werewolf?" I ask and she nods "About half a year"

"The accident... that's when it happened?!" She says as she pulls away.

"When the guys jumped me.... one of them bit me" I say as i look away from her "The first time i shifted, i was in agony, i wanted to kill myself Bella.... But then every time the full moon came out, it got less and less painful and now it barely hurts" I say to her "i'm still a new turned wolf, but i'm almost out of the pup stage" I tell her honestly.

"I had no idea" she says to me.

"Its fine" I say as i open the truck door and i get inside the truck "I was fine on my own... but now i have Jacob"


"Hey Dad" I say as i sit down at the table in the pub with Bella.

"Hey, girls, how was school?" Dad asks

"It was ok..." I say as i discretely touch my neck and Bella looks at me, worriedly, but i just smile at her and mouth that i'm fine.

"I ordered you a salad, both of you" Dad says as i watch the green food being placed in front of me.

I mean, come on!

Suddenly, my phone starts to ring and i quickly look at the caller and tell Bella and Dad that i will take it outside.

I walk outside and i press answer on the call

"Hello?" I say

"Kate, how was your day?" Jacobs voice says, coming through the phone and i sigh

"It was ok" i say, clearly lying

"What happened, I can tell you're lying... I'm coming" he answers as he puts the phone down

"No, you don't ha-" The phone goes silent. "Have to" I finish as i pull the phone away from my ear and i walk inside the pub

"Dad is it ok if i go and hang out with Jacob?" I say as i walk over to the table him and Bella are sitting at.

"What about your food?" Dad asks

"Can i take it to go please" i say to one of the servers and she nods at me as she takes the plate away.

"Be safe!" Dad calls out as i nod, taking the food from the waitress and walking out the door to see Jacob waiting by a tree.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now