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7 months later

"Jacob!" I shout, walking into the kitchen, placing my keys on the counter.

I wait for a minute, before i hear footsteps running down the stairs and Jacob comes rushing towards me.

"What's happening is the baby here yet?!" He says as he looks at my massive stomach.

"I've still get a month to go. It's just what's in the mail" I say and he nods, breathing a sigh of relief as he sits on a stool next to the counter.

"Did we get any interesting letters?" He says as i take one out of the envelope

"Just one" I say as i hand him the invitation to Bella and Edwards wedding.

"Oh shit, they're actually doing it" He says and i hit his arm

"Of cause they're doing it, they love each other" i say as i look at him

He looks up and sees me looking at him and he gets confused before it finally clicks

"Oh... this means that i have to-"

"Yup, no way you're getting out of this" I say to him as my phone rings and i pick it up

"Hello?" I say

"Kate, how you doing?" I here Dad's voice say down the line

"I'm doing ok, Dad, why?"

"Did you get the invitation?"

"Of cause i did, i'm her sister" I say laughing

"You know what i mean. I didn't think that their relationship would be going so quick, but i'm happy if Bella's happy, i'm just wondering whether she is pregnant, can't have a grandbaby when you are my age, people will think i'm older then i am" He says and i laugh, awkwardly

"So you're going to the wedding?" I ask

"Yes, of cause, i've got to get my father of the bride speech ready, see you soon!" He says as we both say bye to each other and i put the phone down and turn to Jacob.

"He's going to kill us" I say as i start pacing. "He's going to disown me, He's going to hate his grandchild-"

"Hey, hey" Jacob says as he puts his hands on my shoulders "He's going to love you still, pregnant and all" He says, trying to reassure me

"I should have told him before you and i went and stayed with my Mum for 6 months" I say as i place my head on his shoulder

"I'm sure he will understand, if not, you have a different, loving, family here, in the pack" He says to me and i nod

"But i also want my Dad"


After driving to the Cullen's place in Jacobs van, he helps me out of the vehicle and we both walk into the house.

We see no one so we both walk through it, until we get out in the back yard, where we see everyone, moving benches and trees to prepare for Bella's wedding in a few days.

I walk over to where i see Bella and Alice, trying on her wedding heels.

"Looking good, sis" I say as i walk over to them both

"Really?" She says

"Well, the shuffling is not exactly flattering, but other then that you looked great" I say and she roles her eyes.

"I just think that it's a bit too much, the dress, the shoes-"

"Don't you dare say that you would rather where sneakers, cause you're not allowed!" Alice says, threateningly.

"Sis, i know that Alice wouldn't hurt a 8 month pregnant woman, but i'm not so sure about her not hurting a bride-to-be" I say as Alice walks over and puts her arm around my back and she places her hand on my stomach, trying to feel a kick.

"They've been kicking a lot recently, non stop, actually, but it's like as soon as i walk somewhere, they stop" I tell her as she removes her hand and stands up straight, just as Emmet shouts to her, holding a tree trunk

"Where do you want this to go?!" He asks and Alice shouts back either side of the isle

"What isle?" Rosalie says, coming behind him

"God, do non of you have vision?!" She shouts as she walks down the stairs, further into the garden and she helps them.

I laugh as i watch them all, not having to do any work, because i can barely see the floor.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now