Chapter Thirty-Two : Bennett's Business

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It was a day like any other.

Except instead of spending time at her office today - she decided to spend it at her father's.  It was a nice change for the younger Bennett as she hadn't been in his office in almost a year.  She used to be here all the time when she was younger.  

This was where she had made the decision of her dream to be a fashion designer.

Everyone in the office and who worked for Peter knew Evelyn and the rest of the Bennett family by name.  Many had been with Peter since the beginning.  He was very well respected and most everyone loved him.  Of course, there were some who didn't love him as he was hard working and determined to sort things out.  He didn't tolerate laziness and many people who worked for him before did not like that and quit.  They didn't want to get things done on a daily basis and no longer wanted to work for him.

"What if we came out with something as a collaboration together?" Evelyn asked her dad, Peter, and he sat forward in his seat, intrigued.

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.  "You would be all right with that?"

"Dad, I would love to collaborate with you.  So what are we wanting to do?  Clothing line?  Fragrance?"

"What about fragrance?  You haven't come out with one yet. . ."

"I love that idea," she grins at him as she begins to write down notes.  "Do we want to do a unisex fragrance or a perfume or cologne?"

"If we do unisex it has to be something that smells good.  There are so many out there that either don't smell good on both or they end up changing.  What do you think?"

"I agree," Evelyn nodded her head as she took a sip of her bubble tea.  "I almost bought a unisex fragrance when I went shopping with Kate but decided not to as it didn't smell that great," she scrunched her nose remembering how it smelled making Peter chuckle.

She decided it was best that she leave out the detail that they went shopping for lingerie.  She didn't want her dad knowing about her sex life.

"I'm glad you and Kate are getting along.  I know how important it is to Eric that you do.  Even though it was wrong how Eric introduced her to you.  How is William doing with it all?"

"It was quite a shock for the both of us at first but since Eric came by to apologise - he's okay with it now.  I think it just came as a surprise at first.  None of us were expecting it.  But it's all okay now and we've moved on," she smiled at her dad, knowing how much he loved William already and thought of him as a son.

They already had a close bond and Peter gave him, Harry, his Pa and Grandpa some things from his company.  They were incredibly grateful and loved everything, especially the watches and cologne for William.

"Good, I'm glad its all sorted.  Okay so unisex fragrance?"

"Unisex," Eve nodded her head in confirmation.  "What kind of scents would you like?"


"Maybe with a hint of sweetness?" Eve asked to which Peter nodded his head and she continued writing down the notes.

"No fruity smell."

"Definitely not.  It has to be masculine yet feminine.  Something that doesn't change to a scent that's completely different from what we created."

Peter made sure to have his secretary get in contact with the lab that he uses for his cologne.  Evelyn had told her staff that she was going to take a break from designing clothes and just focusing on the fragrance with her dad, giving her staff two to three months off, paid vacation.  With the advice of telling them to have fun and spend it with their loved ones.  Antoine already had plans to visit Italy with his boyfriend Max anyway.  

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