Chapter Twenty : Zimbabwe

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Evelyn was feeling better now and she was back to her old self.  She was packing for her trip to Zimbabwe with Chelsy and she couldn't be more excited as she had never been to Africa before.

"I wanted to be the first one to take you to Africa," he told her with a pout.  

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you wanted to take me there. . ."

"It's quite alright," he waved a hand of his before grabbing her hand.  "Just as long as you promise me that some day you'll allow me to take you to see my Africa."

"Deal, I'll hold you to that Lieutenant," she grabbed his hand and kissed the palm of it.

"I always keep my word, Stormy," he winked back at her.

Eve felt her heart flutter at his new nickname for her.  Wills watched Eve pack and even helped by giving some helpful tips on outfits she should pack.  He told her to bring a mixture of clothing items ranging from jumpers just in case it rains and shorts as well as cami's.  She was glad that he had already been there as he was able to give her advice on her clothing items and of course she brought a swimsuit as well for when they would go to the beach.

William drove Evelyn to the airport as it was time for her to leave.  As he put the car in park, they snogged a bit and he helped her with taking her luggage out of the car as he had his sunglasses on.  He held her in his arms as her cheek was pressed to his chest.

"I'll miss you," she murmured as she tightened her arms around his waist.

"I'll miss you as well," he agreed with her as he tilted her face to look up at him.  He softly strokes her cheek with his thumb as he leans down and presses his lips to hers.  She smiles into the kiss, savouring the feeling of being with him before she was without him for almost two weeks.  

"Have fun, all right?" He told her even though he would miss her, especially since he had some off time from the military.

"I will," she smiled at him.  "I'll call you when I land," knowing how he would freak out if she didn't.  

He was always so protective of her and her security.  Wanting to make sure she was as safe as possible, if he had any control of it.  She remembered her talk with him the night before as they lay in her bed.

"Have you thought about when we want to go public?" Evelyn asked him as she lay in his arms and their legs were tangled together.  

"Yes and no," William told her as he thought about his next words carefully.  I would like us to have more time alone before we do.  More time to get to know each other and see if this is what you really want and to see how well we progress over the next months or so.  Would you be okay with that?"

"Yes, thank God," she breathed a sigh of relief, giggling slightly as her boyfriend sat up on his forearm and looked at her.

"What?  Were you nervous or something?" He teased lightly, laughing with her.

"God, yes."

"Really?  Why?" He asked shocked.

Eve sat up as well and took his large hand in her small hand.

"Because, you're you and I'm me.  I'm used to the spotlight now but growing up I always struggled with it.  I know that it will be different than my last relationship.  I know that the public will scrutinize the fact that I've been engaged before and possibly not be okay with it.  I also know that there will be a hell of a lot more paparazzi in our lives.  I've just never had to deal with it on that kind of an intense level before."

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