Chapter Two : Reality

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I have a lot to do.


"Now that you will officially be joining our family," The Queen smiled at her soon to be granddaughter-in-law.  "You will need to have a team of people.  They will be there for you always, whatever it is you need.  They will accompany you and William when you go on tours, for public engagements, etc."

"Okay," she nodded her head as she felt as though it were spinning with all of this new found information.

"Over the course of the next few weeks on top of wedding planning -- you will be holding interviews as well.  Your team will include the following: a stylist, hairdresser, a nanny for when you and William have children, but you won't have to interview for a nanny right this minute," Evelyn let out a sigh of relief.  "You will however also have to interview for a private secretary, personal assistant and lastly a makeup artist for events."

"Wow," she exclaimed as she rang her hands together.  

"I know it's a lot to take in all at once and I'm sorry," the Queen apologised.  

The couple were at Kensington Palace as they were meeting with the Queen.  It was the first of many more to come.

"It's all right," Evelyn said as she wrung her hands together and William took one of them and held it for comfort.  "Just a lot to take in s'all."

The Queen smiled at her in comfort as her legs swung quietly and lightly underneath the table as she wasn't tall enough.  She nodded her head and went back to look down at the paper with a set of notes.

"Have either of you thought when you might like to get married?  I don't want to pressure you Evelyn, but we usually have a short engagement in our family."

"Oh," Evelyn said surprised and then turned to William.  "Well,  it will be quite cold in December and we'd rather get married before the new year.  We've kind of talked about how nice it would be to possibly a fall wedding, right?" She asked her fiancé for reassurance that was still their plan as he ran his thumb back and forth on the back side of her hand to which he nodded and cleared his throat.

"We have," he smiled at Eve and then turned to his granny.  "Would that be alright with you?"

"It can be done," she nodded her head with confirmation and smiled.  "But what month would you both like it to be?"

"Well, would sometime in November be okay?" Evelyn was so new to all this that she didn't want to act like she knew everything when she didn't and the Queen respected her for it.  "It also works with William's training.  He'll be home then."

Anyone who came into this family was bound to be a little unsure of everything right away.  That's how it is with most things in life.  The Queen would frankly feel off if anyone felt confident coming into this family right away as it's all a bit daunting.  

"Of course," the Queen nodded as she wrote this all down.  "What day would you both like?  We typically don't have weddings during the weekend."

William had told Evelyn this and she always thought it was a bit odd.  Mainly because during the weekend people had off from work.  

"What about November 14th?" William asked his fiancé.  "It's not the beginning of the month of November and not towards the end when we might get snow..."

"I love it," she squeezed his hand.  "Would that be okay with you?"

"Sounds perfect.  So you'll be married in four months," she hummed.  "Now there are a few more things I wanted to discuss with you both.  The first one is when would you like to announce to the public?"

BRING ME TO LIFE // Prince WilliamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang