Chapter Seventeen - Tu es la lumière de ma vie

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Tu es la meilleure chose

qui me soit arrivée.

You are the best thing that happened to me


13 November 2011

"Can you believe we are getting married in two days?" Evelyn asked her fiancé with a giddy look on her face as she jumped up and down which made him laugh with a smile on his face.

"I really can't," he tells her.  "It seemed like it was so long ago that I proposed and now it's just flying by."

Just as she was leaning in to kiss her mobile started ringing and William let out a groan as he leaned further back in his chair as Evelyn answered her mobile.

"Evelyn, we have a problem," her florist, Audrey, as she was trying to stay calm for the bride but internally she was freaking out.

"What's going on?" Evelyn asked her as William looked at his fiancé concerned and stayed close by her side.

"It's supposed to rain tonight," Audrey told her and Evelyn looked at her fiancé as her eyes widened.  "And we have already started putting out the arch of flowers and everything."

"Shit," Evelyn put Audrey on speaker really quick and looked at the weather app.  It called for ninety percent chance of rain from seven all throughout the night as William looked over the shoulder.  "What do we do?  I have you on speaker, William's here."

"Hi Audrey," he chimed in with a deep voice as Evelyn sipped her tea.

"Hi William," she greeted the prince.  "Don't freak out," Audrey said.  "That's my job.  What we are thinking because they are almost done with putting the flowers on display we are going to cover everything that's outside with bags that will protect the flowers.  We need to hide them from prying eyes anyway.  And we will have guards guarding the Abbey to make sure no one sneak peaks at the displays."

"That sounds good with us," William told Audrey and Evelyn nodded her head in agreement.  "Thanks for keeping us up to date with everything.  We appreciate it."

"You're welcome," Audrey told the couple over the speaker.  "I'm sorry it wasn't better news."

"It's okay," Evelyn told their florist.  "Thank you for all the hard work you and your team do."

Evelyn let out a sigh as she leaned her elbows on the table and put her head in her hands as William massaged her shoulders.

"What else can go wrong?" She groaned.

"It will be okay, Evelyn," he told her sincerely and she moved from her position and leaned into him.

"How do you know?" 

"Because even if it rains on our wedding day it means that it will bring us good luck, have children and be cleansed of the sadness and tough times from your past and be given a new chapter in your life.  It also means the last time you will cry will be on our wedding day."

Evelyn smirked at him.

"You looked that up on Google, didn't you?"

"Maybeeee," he laughed as he reached up and played with the ends of her hair as she laughed.  "Regardless, it will be okay because whether there is rain or snow, we will be married.  I'll make sure of it.  Besides you love the rain," he pointed out to her and she slowly nodded her head.  "It's the reason why I nicknamed you Stormy."

"How is it that you always know the right thing to say?" Evelyn asks as she puts her hand on his wrist.  "You always make feel at ease about things I'm stressed about."

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