Chapter Nine - Briefing and forgiveness

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Messing with her mobile as she flipped it in her hands she finally decided to do it.  Dialing his number that had become a frequent one in her call history, she waited as it rang and rang.  

"Eve?" His voice held confusion and maybe a slight tiredness.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" she asked wincing.

"No," he shook her head.  "I just got home from an engagement that I had to do with my brother Harry.  I'm actually quite surprised to hear from you.  How've you been?"

"I've been okay," she shrugged her shoulders.  "And you?"

"All right.  Did you want to tell me what's gone wrong?" He asked.

"You said just dinner," Evelyn said with emphasis on the word 'just.'  

Suddenly it dawned on the young prince and he winced at how stupid he realised it could come across as.

"I'm such an idiot!" William confessed to the woman who had quickly become someone was very special to him.  "I didn't mean it like that, I swear."

A small smile braced Evelyn's face as she heard his confession and she believed him but she still felt a pang in her chest.

"I'm sorry too."

"Your sorry?" He was confused.  "What do you have to be sorry for?"

"Well, for starters for completely overreacting but also not giving you a chance to explain."

"D'you promise that from now on we will always talk about things first?  Instead of jumping to conclusions..."

"Yes," she laughed wishing she could see him.

"Are you doing anything right now?"

William was glad that everything worked out and they were alright again.  

"No, nothing," she shook her head.

"Would you want to come over?  I want to brief you on meeting my family at the concert."

"I'll be there soon."

All was right again between William and Evelyn and the two of them were at peace knowing so.


Evelyn was over at Clarence House for the day as she and William went over everything and he discussed everything that she needed to know for the Diana Concert when she would meet his family and friends.

"There will be quite a lot of family there.  And I did want to warn you that my ex-girlfriend and her family will be there as well."

"Okay," she gulped not having prepared for that as well.

"Now, when you approach my Granny, the Queen, you'll first want to curtsy and then regard her 'Your Majesty.'  After she speaks to you -- you may regard to her as 'ma'am' or unless she says otherwise.  I know you curtsied when you were younger but have you since?" He asked as his head tilted sideways and his blue eyes bore serious.

"No," she shook her head.  "I haven't."

"What a shame," he said jokingly as he laughed.

"It's not like I've met any of you lot since!" she cried back playfully pushing him back slightly as she laughed too.

"Alright, alright.  Let's carry on," William cleared his throat as he brought his shoulders back making her laugh again as he shot her a look.

"Sorry, last time I swear."

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