Chapter Ten - Answers

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Later that night (early morning). . .

The couple was asleep as it was three in the morning when Evelyn heard a frantic knock on the door.  

"Who the fuck is that?" Evelyn groaned.

"What?" William mumbled, not wanting to open his eyes because if he did then he would have to go answer the door.  He just wanted the noise to stop.

Evelyn decided to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep as she cuddled back into her fiancé's warmth as he wrapped an arm around her.  But then let out a groan as it continued, even louder this time.  Deciding she couldn't go back to sleep, she pulled the duvet off of her and moved her legs until her feet hit the cold wood floor.  She put on some fuzzy socks to make herself comfortable as she was in her pyjama's and walked towards the door as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"I'm coming," she called out loud enough to where whoever the hell was on the other side of the door could hear but not loud enough to wake William back up.

Evelyn opened the door to see her sister on the other side.  

"Viv?  What are you doing here?" She asked rubbing away the cold from her arms.

"Couldn't sleep," she mumbled shrugging her shoulders.

"So you decided to come here at three in the morning?" She asked yawning as she covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry," she smiled sheepishly at her older sister.  "I can go if you want.  Sorry for bothering you," she said to Eve as she began to turn around.

"Vivienne, wait!" She called out to her sister as she stopped in the doorway and put her hand on the door to not close it.  "Your here now.  Might as well come in."

"Thank you," she replied with a small voice and followed her in as she sat on the sofa.

"Want a cup of tea or water, anything?"

"Tea please."

Evelyn nodded and made both of them a chamomile cosy tea and brought the tea cups over to Vivienne.

"Thanks," she muttered as she took a sip.

"Your welcome," Eve muttered and then there was a few moments of silence before Vivienne spoke up.

"I came by because I want to talk about what happened last night."

"It's just, you know how much William hates that he can't do much about his life," she says as looks back at their room where he was very much asleep right now.  "So, I try to make the best of it.  For both of us.  He's not making me convert and neither is the Queen.  I'm doing this because I want to.  Because when we have kids I believe it would be better for us to be the same religion and it wouldn't be confusing."

"I know," Vivienne let out a sigh.  "I honestly don't know why I reacted that way.  I ruined the moment for you and I'm so incredibly sorry."

"Thanks," she smiled at her sister.  "Why did you react that way?  I mean since the beginning you've always been supportive of our relationship..."

"I guess this is all just becoming more real," she shrugged her shoulders.  "And I guess part of me feels like we'll never see you again."

"Aww, Viv," Evelyn says as she moves to bring her sister in for a hug.  "I'm not going to leave you guys.  You're my family.  William has always said how much he wants to be apart of your lives.  We're just getting married is all.  It's not like I'm moving to another country."

"I know, it's just.  You'll have a title, Evie!  A title!  And you'll be going on tours and people will intrude on your lives.  I don't know how you can do it all."

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