Chapter Four : Wills birthday

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avec amour

with love


It was finally the day to leave for the Bahamas!  The group decided it would be best and easiest to fly on a private plane so Evelyn's dad arranged for his plane to be ready.  The couple had packed the night before and Evelyn made sure to pack enough bathing suits, coverups, hats and sunglasses as well as regular clothes.  She had her makeup packed as well as it was a necessity.

Before they left for their trip Evelyn made sure that the plane was stocked up with drinks and snacks and all other necessities.  

"You excited, babe?" Evelyn asks her boyfriend as they made it to the airport.

"So excited," he laughed as he put on his sunnies.  "I'm just ready to have this week with you and all of our friends," he told her as he took her hand in hers and leaned over to kiss her.

Evelyn had arranged for the group to stay at Baha Mar Resort.  From the pictures online it looked amazing and they couldn't be more excited for this week escape from their hectic lives.  Evelyn was wanting to take a small step back from designing clothes as she was beginning to feel as though it was too much too fast.  It was something she was wanting to speak about with William this week.  The couple were the first ones at the airport and they were waiting for everyone else to arrive.

"I just want us all to have fun, enjoy your birthday celebration and there to be no drama."

Since both of them had been so busy lately with work, Evelyn thought this would be perfect time to go on a holiday.  Evelyn was wearing shorts that showed off her legs as well as wide eyed white ribbed tank top along with a fedora hat as her hair was in dutch pigtail braids.  She was ready to go to the beach!  Eventually everyone made it on the private aeroplane and the celebrations began.

A flight attendant passed around the alcohol to the guests on the plane and they toasted a great holiday and Wills birthday.


It was absolute paradise!

They had checked into their hotel rooms and was amazed by the beauty and spaciousness of the huge rooms.  William and Evelyn were sharing a room together whilst the others had their own rooms as well.

"Your shitting me!" Evelyn exclaimed as William stopped walking along with her.  

At first William thought she was upset.  But when he truly looked at her he didn't notice anger - instead it was almost of reminiscence from the past.  He then stared in the direction she was looking at and noticed it was a woman who had brunette hair but for some reason looked like someone who was familiar to him.

"Whose that?" He asked curiously.

"Blair's sister, Gemma."

"Blair as in Blair Taylor?"

"Yeah," she told him and turned to him.  "Well, for whatever reason she's here, let's not let it ruin our holiday."

"'Course not!  But if you ever want to talk to her you can."

Evelyn didn't need his say in anything she did but she was grateful for his comment.  Even though she never needed his approval for anything she always appreciated when he gave it.  It meant that he supported her in everything she did and she did the same for him.

She had to admit that seeing Gemma again made her miss her and the old times they all shared. What would be the harm if she went up to her and talked?  Just because she wasn't friends with Blair anymore didn't mean she couldn't at least talk to Gemma.

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